Sunday, October 28, 2012

There's A Hurricane A-Brewin' But I'm Still Putting Out!!

Putting out videos that is... don't get too excited.

Here's my latest installment of weekly outfits for those of you missing the fashion element on my blog. 
Let me know if you like it by giving it a thumbs up and/or subscribing to my YouTube channel!! :)

And to all of you on the East coast in the states getting ready for Hurricane Sandy to hit, my thoughts go out to you. Hopefully everyone has enough food, water, and shelter to get through this apparently-going-to-be-horrific storm... I'm right here with you and definitely missing Minnesota right about now haha!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Love the dragon bracelet! All of you outfits are adorable! How would you like to follow each other?

  2. Farhaaa: Thank you so much!! :)

    Mary: Awww, thank you >3<

  3. How are you Cassie? I heard about Hurricane Sandy on the news. Stay safe!



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