Thursday, October 25, 2012

e.l.f. Eyelid Primer: Swatches + Review!!

I had a falling out with this primer for almost two months now; maybe it was the fact that I got it for free, maybe I was under the illusion that I didn't need an eyeshadow primer. Either way, I made a horrible mistake in removing this from my life.

Sound extreme? I'm a bit dramatic by disposition, so yes, however I think e.l.f. deserves a bit of an ovation on this one. Take the jump below to see why!!

I had never tried an eyelid primer before this one. I never used to have much of a problem with oily lids so I guess it just never occurred to me to use one. Within the last year or so though my skin, in general, has become a bit more oily and thus my eyeshadows were looking a little worse for wear at the end of the day.

Thankfully I got this primer from e.l.f. with an online order I made about half a year ago. I received it in the shade "champagne" which is a nude mauve laced with a slight amount of glitter. 
It also smells like delicious vanilla cream frosting so BONUS (though I wouldn't recommend eating it... but you can do what you want, just don't blame me for any repercussions).

 Even though I can't compare the quality of this primer to others, at only a dollar (yes, you read that right: $1) I really don't care to. I hear so many mixed reviews on primers, including this one, so it's been hard for me to want to shell out $20+ on something that may or may not work for me, especially when this one provides 90% satisfaction on a daily basis. 
Why the docking of 10%, you may ask? While this goes on incredibly creamy, is easy to blend and sheer out, and prevents creasing, it doesn't provide any sort of lasting power to my eyeshadows. They stay mostly pigmented throughout the day, however there is a bit of fading (though this may just be because I have to rub my eyes a fair amount throughout the day due to an overproduction of tears/insufficient tear duct size) after a day's worth of wear.

I had to change these photos to B&W because of the horrific lighting. I wanted to show you all what my eyeshadow looks like at the end of a long day (12+ hours and some sweat from walking up a mountain steep hill to get to my studio) when the e.l.f. Eyelid Primer is used, thus I only had artificial lighting at my disposal. 
Even though it's B&W, you can still see that there is no creasing but there is a patch where my eyeshadow faded in the middle of my lids. 

Bravo, e.l.f. Your products are hit and miss but this one is somewhere in between in my eyes (#punny4life). It's also available in four different colors to suit different people's wants and needs; I think I'm going to try the shade "sheer" next time since it's more nude looking and lacks glitter.

Have you tried e.l.f.'s Eyelid Primer before?
Love it? Hate it?
Have something else you swear by?
Do tell!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I've never tried it, but I must ask, have you tried their Studio Blushes? I know there are tons of reviews online, but I can't decide on them. xx

  2. That's great, thanks for sharing!

  3. Coco: You know to be honest I haven't!! I have heard FABULOUS things about them though, I just get nervous looking at the swatches that they might be little to light to show up all that well on my skin color! I really wish they were in stores to take a look at :(

    Nora: No problem at all and thank you!! Let me know if you give it a try and whether or not it works for you :)

  4. I like most elf products, I think this sounds like one I will really like since the urban decay mini is like $9. Great post!


  5. Cool blog)

  6. Perla: I know, aren't other primers just ridiculous in price?? Let me know if you try this one out and whether or not you like it :)

    Karinamalinana: Thank you!

  7. that's a great eye primer! thanks for sharing <3 visit my blog if you don't mind :)

    Missing Bee

  8. Tesa: Thanks!

    Bella Francisca: You're welcome, I hope it works well for you like it does me!! :)

  9. i've only tried the original/nude color elf primer - didnt even know that htey had a champagne one!!

  10. Looks like a great product!

  11. I really wish I have a girl friend like you who I can geek out on make-up and fashion with! :)


  12. Great post. i don't use a specific eye primer. All I use is the Benifit face primer so I really want to try this out.


  13. I had no idea that elf made primer! Perhaps I should check em' out when I run out of my current stock!

  14. I have never tried anything from elf before because I'd have to order online. If I ever do I would give this a go x

  15. Lucy: Did you like the nude one? I'm so excited to go out and pick it up :)

    Rebeka: It really is!! Let me know if you try it out :)

    Kathy: Haha feel free to geek out with me ANY time Kathy!! You're such a sweetheart just send me a message any time :)

    mintyessence: Let me know if you give it a shot!! It's a cheap (but wonderful!!) product so you've really got nothing to lose!

    Stephanie: Yes, they make multiple different primers!! You should definitely give it a go the next time you have a buck to spare :)

    Rosalinda: Thank you, you definitely should!!

    Megan: e.l.f. can be REALLY hit and miss with their products but this one is definitely a big hit. You should order it the next time you feel like hoarding a bunch of makeup since you can get so much bang for your buck (and then free shipping, sometimes even for orders of $25!!).

  16. I am always looking for a good eyeshadow primer. I have very oily eyelids so I have a difficult time, but for the price of e.l.f., I will definitely pick on up.

    They do sell the Studio Blushes in some Targets. I have tried it in Candid Coral and it is not very pigmented at all. I use it as a very subtle highlighter since it has a bit of shimmer, but it is very subtle.

    Tesori Belle

  17. Deana: Oooo, that's good to know about the studio blushes being available in some Targets!! I may have to go hunting at all the Targets in my area like the crazy lady that I am one of these days hehe... although I'm sad to hear that you've confirmed my suspicions of them not being pigmented *weep*. I guess that's what you get with e.l.f. though :)


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