Sunday, October 21, 2012

NOTD: Basket Weave

I swear, my blog has basically turned into a nail polish & nail art blog. I hope you guys don't mind... I've just been so cooped up working on my different art pieces for reapplication to the MFA program (still not sure about which schools to apply to; put all of my eggs in one basket or apply to mostly backup schools? Ughhhhh, this is one process I will never miss) this Winter. Basically, I haven't had much time to do anything else other than draw, paint, get orientation things for my new job (yes, I got the position that I talked about awhile ago!!) done, etc etc. 
The one way that I love to unwind after all of the madness is painting my nails and this is my newest creation. Take the jump, as usual, for details!

essie - mink muffs / Revlon - Gray Suede

It kind of killed me to just type in "gray" for that polish name. I'm definitely a "grey" kind of girl, but this is one of my absolute favorite nail polishes (and coming from a girl that has probably upwards of 100 polishes [please only judge me a little bit], that's saying a LOT); it's an absolutely beautiful light taupe grey with a very slight shimmer to it. I love wearing this on its own, but today... well, today I wanted to do something a bit more extravagant.
So, in addition to my beloved "Gray Suede", I added in essie's "mink muffs" to the mix. I'm actually REALLY surprised that I haven't heard more about this polish... actually, I haven't heard ANYTHING about this polish!! It definitely has one of the better formulations of essie polishes (and, as you may or may not know, I'm not the biggest fan of essie) and the color is gorgeous; it's almost an exact dupe for O.P.I.'s "You Don't Know Jacques!" being only a half shade or so lighter.

I'm actually really pleased with how this nail design turned out!! I pretty much winged it and just went crazy with different hatch lines and this was the final product. All I did was apply the base coat of "mink muffs", let that dry, then applied random lines mirroring that of a nonsensical basket weave pattern with a thin, crappy craft brush.
Surprisingly this was a bit harder of a design to do than my Burberry inspired nails (thank you all so much for the wonderful feedback and compliments, by the way!!) but I got it done and, like said, am quite tickled with the way these look. It's a bold design but I think the more muted colors help balace out the punch these pack.

And what would a blog post from me be without a picture of Galileo included, hmm? He's starting to get so big and his coat is so fluffy and soft!! My little man is really growing up *tear*...

So how has your weekend been?
What's your favorite way to unwind from the madness of the working world?
Are you a "gray" or a "grey" person (silly question, I know, but I feel quite strongly about the 'proper' way to spell it haha)?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I love these nails! The pattern and the colours are just so good! And Galileo is just so beautiful.

  2. nancyworegreenstockings: Aw, thank you I'm glad you like them!! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Galileo is gorgeous... sometimes I feel like I only feel that way because I'm his mom haha.

  3. Amazing nails! And that cat is just adorable.

  4. Your nails look amazing! I'm going to try this!! :)

  5. Kashaya: Thank you!! And I'll pass on the compliment to Galileo as well ;)

    Perla: Thank you so much dear! Let me know how they turn out (I'm sure you'll do a great job!)!! :)

  6. This is so pretty! I wish I could do this!

  7. Your nails are so amazing! I wish I could do this but I have only mastered painting my nails one solid color haha.

    I am sooo in love with your blog!

    Angela @ The Lovely Cup

  8. your nails look so great! i wish i was good with nail art, all of mine end up looking like mush!

    lindsey louise

  9. this is so cool!! I'm not that kind of person who can have patient to make cool nail art like this. thumbs up!!

  10. Your nails look great and your at is cute :)

  11. I wish I was as talented at nail art as you are! But I barely have enough patience for the basic base coat-color-top coat as it is, haha. Also your cat is insanely gorgeous; what a prince! :)

    With love from San Francisco, California, USA,

  12. Analisa: It just takes practice!! I'm sure you could get the hang of nail art with some trial and error :)

    Angela: Hahah I'm sure you can do more than just a solid color!! You just need some confidence and a 'no fear' attitude :) And thank you so much!! I'd love it if you followed!

    Lindey Louise: Thank you!! And I've been there with mush nails before as well... those nails just don't make it to my blog hehe ;)

    The Daydreamer: Thank you dear!! I'm glad you like so much, but yes it definitely takes patience :)

    Farrah: Aw, thank you so much!!

    Rocio: I don't speak Spanish (I think that's what you wrote in?) but I think you said you like my blog? So if that's correct, then thank you :)

    Sabrina: D'aw, shucks thank you!! Nail art definitely takes patience but I always feel like the outcome is worth it :) And a prince! Haha I suppose I do treat him as such... :)

  13. Wow, this looks so neat! Well done :)


  14. Nice nails! I love the basket weave pattern ad the colors used. Very stylish indeed!

    best clip in hair extensions

  15. love the nails, they are an amazing design! xo

  16. what a creative design, love it :) xx

  17. I think I spell it "gray" more often than "grey". Now I'm confused.

    Anyways, this is meant as a compliment, but even though it's not what you intended, the nails look like mummy inspired. Great for Halloween. xx

  18. LOVE this tutorial and i seriously love your cat cassie! he's SO CUTE! i linked your blog/youtube vid on my latest post actually because galileo is so cute! :)

  19. Jen: Thank you so much!! :)

    Hair Extensions Australia: Thank you very much!! Glad you like the design :)

    Rachel: Aw, thank you!!

    Steph: Thank you, I'm glad you like them!

    Kelly: Aw, thank you!! Very sweet of you :)

    Coco: Haha, no need to be confused. It just tends to be based on whether you live in the states or the UK and then also just boils down to personal preference (kind of like 'theater' and 'theatre'). And thank you, I actually was thinking the same thing the other day!! So no worries, I'm glad I wasn't the only one; must be the holiday spirit :)

    Lucy: Thank you dear!!! And wow, THANK YOU! You are so unbelievably sweet :) And I'm glad Galileo makes your day that much haha!! He really is a sweetie though so I understand (though I'm biased, haha).

  20. Great job! Nail art/design is so much fun. Your kitty is adorable :)

  21. So creative. Love it

  22. Rosalinda: Thank you dear!!

    Maya: Thank you :)

    Amy: Thank you so much! :)

    Style Journey: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy nail art as well :) And I'm also happy you think Galileo is a cutie! I'm biased, being his momma after all hehe.

    Lou: Thank you very much! :)

  23. omg this is amazing!!! i can't wait to try this myself...i hope i have a steady hand! :)


  24. Rubies and Emeralds: I'm so glad to hear that you like this enough to give it a go!! Please let me know how your nails turn out; I'd love to see and I'm sure you'll do a great job!! :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!