Tuesday, December 11, 2012

MUA Haul Part 2... "Undressed" Eyeshadow Palette: Swatches + Review!!

When companies name their products things like NAKED (Urban Decay) and UNDRESSED, I feel like they're just begging for one liner headers that say "let's get NAKED" or "I just love getting UNDRESSED in the morning"!!
So there you go MUA; I'll do it for you since I'm pretty much in love with you right now (how easy do I sound?)... you know, since you've put out (heh) some incredibly beautiful neutral palettes for me to get all hot and bothered over (you see what all of this innuendo does to me? It never ends).

How about you all?
Are you ready to get undressed?
(I promise I'll stop this verbal abuse nonsense after the jump)

Haha, I don't know why they included "Wow!" on the back of the palette but I'm kind of glad they did.

MUA's "Undressed" palette is an absolute essential (yup, I'm going there) for those of you who want a set of shadows that creates that "I'm flawless and I enjoy your jealousy" kind of look.
With the mixture of both matte and shimmer (a 1:3 ratio of the two) shadows there are a multitude of looks that you can make; anything from "barely there" to "enhanced beauty". Heck, with the addition of a couple gunmetal/blue colors in there you could even spice things up a little if you're feeling extra jazzy one day (or if you want to transition your day look into night).

I'm going to describe the color of each swatch below how I see it in the palette since the translation onto my skin coloring really changes the shadow from how it looks in the pan. I just thought it would be nice for comparison's sake, though I feel like these colors would be beautiful on absolutely anybody!!

 Shade 1 - Matte Nude Cream
Shade 2 - Sparkling Strawberry Champagne
Shade 3 - Matte Sandy Camel
Shade 4 - Shimmering Tanned Beige

 Shade 5 - Matte Milk Cocoa
Shade 6 - Sparkling Golden Wheat
Shade 7 - Shimmering Hershey's Kiss
Shade 8 - Frosted Greek Olive

 Shade 9 - Shimmering Antique Pink
Shade 10 - Frosted Tree Bark
Shade 11 - Slightly Sparkly Ultramarine Gunmetal
Shade 12 - Frosted Pastel Cobalt

Here's my "of course I don't look like this when I roll out of bed but I'm going to tell you I did anyways" look.

What I used:
Shade 1 ... from crease to brow
Shade 4 ... all over the lid
Shade 9 ... outer half of lid
Shade 5 ... outer "V" and through the crease
Shade 2 ... inner corners and slightly on the middle portion of top lash line

So there you have it!!
I know it seems like a lot of work for such a simple look (more than 2-3 colors usually freaks people out) but I promise it is SO easy and, if I do say so myself, looks oh-so effortless. I can't hype this palette enough for nude lovers and makeup lovers in general; these shadows are smooth, velvety, and pigmented. They do not fade throughout the day but you will want to wear a primer to prevent creasing (since they definitely do crease after a few hours).

What do you think of MUA's "Undressed" palette?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your favorite neutral palette?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I've been looking forward to this post! Glad it has finally arrived. don't have a favourite neutral palette as of yet but I get my Naked 2 on Friday so I'm 100% sure that's gonna be number 1. I def wanna grab this MUA palette though. They're so sleek and easy to pop in your handbag or travel bag. So glad I found your blog :) x

  2. You are a great blog writer, so funny! And you look beautiful as always. The only thing missing here is a pic or two of Galileo! X o

  3. hey lovely. Thanks for your comment :) Spam comments will never be removed- hahaha. It used to say- spam comments will never be published and when I was changing it -I changed it to remove and forgot to change "never" to "always" :) hahaha

  4. Great post! Really need to try some MUA products, they seem nice! :))



  5. Thanks for the comment on my blog- yours is so lovely and I love your sense of humour! Following you :)
    Frankie xx

  6. The shade number 8 is so pretty!! x

  7. Kerry: Yay, holy cow thank you for the compliments!! And I hope you love your NAKED2 palette; it really is beautiful set of eyeshadows :)

    Mutti: Haha thanks muttiiiiiiiii... and lots of pictures of Galileo to come ;)

    Sandra: Absolutely!! I figured that was the case :)

    Andrea: Thanks so much and definitely do!!

    Frankie: Aww absolutely!! Thank you so much and I hope you continue to enjoy >3<

    Coco: It really is!!

  8. I really like the swatches, these seem like a good deal!

  9. You have the most beautiful green eyes! I love the Undressed Palette I use it all the time :) and such amazing value. I love your blog! new follower here :)



  10. I have always wanted to try MUA products specially their palettes but the brand is not available in Canada :(


  11. I recently bought the MUA Undressed palette and I loved it so much. Sadly, it had an accident which resulted in most of the shadows being on my bathroom floor! At only £4 each though I'll definitely being replacing it the moment I see it in Superdrug again!

    Dressed Up, Dressed Down

  12. Perla: Thank you, they really are a great deal!!

    Lauren: Oh wow, thank you so much!! You're too sweet and I'm so happy to have you here on my blog :)

    Victoria: Really?? I can't believe they don't ship to Canada even though they ship to the U.S.!!!

    Ceri-Ann: Oh nooooo I hate it when I drop a makeup product!! Thank goodness these are cheap though like you said as you can replace it no problem! It's so worth it :)

  13. I just got this palette too!
    I love it alreadyy & its probably one of my favorites.


  14. Latifa: Yay, glad to hear it!! It's now by far one of my favorite palettes in my collection as well :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!