Monday, December 10, 2012

NOTD: A Unicorn Puked On My Nails...

...and I don't care one bit!!
I know I've been saying that last week was my last week of classes, but technically today is my last day; I'm just not counting it since we're going to nap (secretly), eat pizza (publicly), and critique everyone's work in my program (shamefully) all day. 

So I decided to whip out one of my favorite grey shades of polish plus two newly acquired sparkle polishes for my nails in celebration!
Take the jump for the usual details and some bonus pictures of Galileo at the end ;) 

Grey is a really hard shade for my skin to pull off but thankfully I've found my one and only and that happens to be NYC's "Sidewalkers"; it is the PERFECT warm toned light grey that never leaves my hands look dead or diseased (or worse: both). 

But, like said, I was feeling EXTRA jazzy today and decided to try out not one, but TWO of my newly purchased glitter polishes. They were both on sale at Walgreens a few weeks ago (I think the Wet n Wild was $1 and the Sally Hansen was $2... I'm not sure why, but I wasn't about to argue!!) so I picked them up on a whim.
And while buying something with Fergie's name plastered on it was a little gag inducing, I got over it since the price was so low and the star glitter was so big. Unfortunately the polish doesn't have a name other than "Fergie" on it so I can't tell you what it's called but it's pretty hard to miss if you see it in stores. Thankfully though, Sally had her s*** together and put the name of the polish clearly on the bottle; her rainbow confetti concoction is a little stunner called "In The Spotlight".

The two glitter polishes didn't blow my mind, I'll be honest with you; they both are the type where you have to fish for the glitter in the bottle to properly load your brush and they go on a little gloopy but heck, they sure look good once you're done. 

Now here's a little story from Galileo:

 I don't care if I choke, I wanna see what you're doing Mommy meow...
 Nyoooooo, you wanna take my picture too?
 Just lemme clean behind my ears real quick...
 ...oh!! And between the toes... nom nom #drumstick.
Okay I'm ready. You're getting my good side, right meow?

I hope you enjoyed a fairly pointless post, haha! :)

What's your favorite glitter nail polish?
Do you have a grey nail polish that really suits and flatters your skin color?
Still enduring finals?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I want that glitter nail polish! I want a unicorn puking on my nails too!!:D

  2. WHAT HAPPY NAILS! So cute! I've seen the Fergie nail polish line but kept passing it up. Didn't think it'd be this cute! :)

    Also, personally, I'd prefer pictures of your cat before, in the middle, and at the end of every post. But I kind of have a crazy cat obsession. BUT IT LOOKS LIKE YOU DO TOO! And your cat is presh. <3

    Lynette @ lynette marie

  3. I agree. Grey is a hard color to wear .. especially light gray. Like how you layered the two glitter polishes .. :-)

    And of course, the cat is adorable! Such a cute fluffy creature.


  4. Peet: Haha go out and grab it!! You won't be disappointed and then you can have your own unicorn puke nails :D

    Lynette: Hahahahah thanks so much!! I try and include Galileo as much as I can since he seems to have such a huge following here on my blog :p And definitely grab that Fergie Wet n Wild nail polish; it's cheap and really is a happy thing to add to your nails!! :)

    Monica: Thanks so much as always Monica!! :)

    Brooklyn Grace: Thank you :)

  5. Aw cute cat! Love your nails. Glitter is perfect for this season, but I think it should be worn all year round :) love your blog so I followed you!xx

  6. Lovely nails.
    I would like to invite you to join my Christmas Giveaway

  7. You&I: Aw, thank you so much!! I'm so happy you enjoy. And trust me, I definitely wear glitter all year round... I don't discriminate between seasons hahah.

    Glossy Lala: Thanks!

  8. that's such a cool/cute combination!

  9. gorgeous nails, amazing nail art <3

  10. haha love the name of this post. such a cute glitter ;) x


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