Sunday, December 23, 2012

NOTD: china glaze Pure Joy

Try and tell me that this isn't the most gorgeous holiday nail polish you've ever seen.

I popped into Ulta the other day to bank in on BOGO NYX products as well as a 20% off of my total purchase coupon that I had. However, I am almost convinced that Ulta knew I was coming, read my emotions, and knew I was a nail polish hoarder (or should I say: WHOREder?); so they strategically placed the nail polish near the check out isle (I couldn't ignore it in that long holiday shopping line wait) and made sure that there was only one of these polishes left to make it feel like fate for me. 
You got me... 

Take the jump (like I did) to see more dazzling photos and verbal expressions of pure joy (see what I did there?)!

While Pure Joy is a stunner on its own, I started off my nails with a coat of bright red polish (O.P.I.'s The Thrill of Brazil) to make sure the the glitter really had a chance to shine. These polishes were MEANT for each other; the color of the red polish is spot on for the color of red glitter in china glaze's Pure Joy.

Since Pure Joy is nothing more than glitter on glitter on glitter, it ends up as kind of a scratchy feeling polish once dry but that's nothing that a nice thick top coat doesn't fix! It does, however, go on effortlessly and there is no need to worry about pieces of glitter sticking up off your nail.

I don't know how else to convince you to go out and nab this polish for yourself other than bombarding you with glitter p0rn. 
The fact that this is red and gold glitter as opposed to red and green makes this the perfect touch to anyone's nails for this holiday season without being oriented towards one religious tradition. 

What are you waiting for???
Don't you want your nails looking fabulously festive this holiday season?
Maybe I'm the only one... (even Galileo finds my obsession over nails a shnooze fest)...

Have you tried china glaze's Pure Joy polish?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your favorite polish for the holiday season?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. So pretty, these colours looks great together! Great photos as well!

  2. This nail varnish is amazing for Christmas, love it!
    I love your post + your blog, i'm a new follower.
    Rachael x

  3. Does this polish have flecks of green in it or are my yes deceiving me? Either way, it's beautiful and definitely gorgeous for the holidays! I wish I had an ULTA closer to me. I always spend hours in one when I go visit my boyfriend. ha!

  4. This is a really fabulous nailpolish! Love it :)

  5. Gorgeous shade, great for this time of year :)

  6. Brittney: Aw, thanks Brittney!! I'm glad you enjoyed :)

    Rachael: Isn't it lovely?? And wow, thank you so much!! Makes me so happy :)

    Katie: Hehe nope your eyes are definitely being deceptive... there's just gold and red in this polish :) And haha I hope you drag your boyfriend along to ULTA just for fun... men can have some great reactions in cosmetic stores haha.

    RetroStreetStation: Thank you, I love it too!!

    Heather: Isn't it just perfect? :)

  7. I haven't tried either polish, but both look great and totally festive.


  8. soo cute :)

  9. You will have to give me a manicure of these colors when I visit! Does Galileo have a pink bump on his ear, or is it just the photo? My baby.... :-)

  10. Perfect color for the holidays! <3 I wish you Merry CHristmas my dear!

  11. The glaze is beautiful: I really like the color and effect with the glitter, I find it very Christmassy.
    I'm your new follower, would you like to follow each other?

    kisses from Rome <3

  12. Monica: Thank you, you should definitely check them out if you get the chance!!

    Caroline: Thanks :)

    Mutti: Absolutely!! And naw, that's just his ear... must be a strange angle that made it look like a bump!

    ME Fashion Blog: Thank you, I agree!! And happy holidays to you as well ^__^

    Nancy: Aw, thank you so much for the sweet comment!! I really appreciate it and I'll definitely give your blog a look :)

    Daria: I think so too!!

    le style child: Thanks!

  13. I love that color! It's so festive :)

  14. I have never tried China Glaze, but this colour looks amazing!

    I have just started a new international giveaway on my blog, hope you will enter;

  15. Love that polish I may wear it for New Years. And can I just say that I love your message in the comments sections about not asking for a follow back, it's seriously the most annoying thing ever.

  16. Stephanie Lin: Thank you, I think so too!! :)

    The Beauty and Lifestyle Hunter: Give it a try, this polish is amazing and china glaze has a great formula overall :)

    Ashley: Thank you, definitely wear it out for New Years!! And haha I'm glad you agree... I feel kind of snotty leaving that as my comment message header but it really does annoy me to end when people clearly have just copied something along the lines of "omg i lurve ur blog check mine out 2 and we can follow each other? Just follow me first!" aka I just want more followers haha.

  17. Love this glitter! So festive and gorgeous, even though Christmas is over ahaha! Great post :)

  18. Jessalynn: Thank you so much!! And even though Christmas is over you could still wear this for New Years haha! Honestly I'm pretty sure I'll wear this regardless of the occasion :p


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!