Friday, December 21, 2012

Old Habits Die Hard...

... I'm such a flake; I forgot to upload my last YouTube video here on Blogger =__=;
But oh well, here it is if you haven't seen it and, in addition, here is a brand new one that just got done uploading!!

The first is a really simple yet pretty hair tutorial and the second video is the Winterlicious tag!! 
Usually I get SO sick and tired of seeing the same tag over and over again but for some reason this one hasn't bothered me at all; I've actually really enjoyed seeing everybody's different versions. I suppose it's due to the merry mood the holidays put me in :)

And by the way, upon request of one of my lovely readers, I'm now on Bloglovin'! So if that's an easy way for you to keep updated with my posts then feel free to click the button on my sidebar (right above my GFC followers).

I hope you're all well!
Have you done your own version of the Winterlicious tag?
Love it? Hate it?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. saw it! really helpful video :) i think ill also probably do the winterliscious tag soon .. i know most bloggers are doing it but for some reason it doesn't bother me at all! haha :)

  2. Great hair tutorial!
    I might try this soon! :)

    Jamie Kate

  3. Hi Cassie! I just followed you on bloglovin! Hope you are having a wonderful day. :)


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Lucy: Yay, I'm so happy it was helpful for you!! And definitely do the tag... sounds like you are in the same boat as me with it so you'd definitely enjoy doing it :)

    Vania Aprillia: Thank you!

    Jamie Kate: Thanks so much!! Definitely do and let me know how it goes :)

    Kathy: Yay, thanks Kathy!! I hope you're having just as lovely of a day :)

  6. Your so stunning, you have like the best smile ever haha, so jel! Loved the video x

  7. Debbie: Oh my gosh, you are too sweet thank you so much!! And I'm glad you liked it :)

    Anita: Thank you very much!

  8. nice hair tutorials
    i love the first one
    have a nice sunday

  9. Real College Student of Atlanta: Thanks so much!! :)

    Brooklyn Grace: Thank you so much and you as well!!

  10. oh gosh, neat videos! i really wish i could do things with my short hair!

    lindsey louise

  11. Lindsey Louise: Thank you!! And yeah, I used to feel the same way... that's why I grew mine out and refuse to cut it now hahahah.

  12. Will Farrell has never been funny.

    1. Glad you agree with me on that one Sandi!!! :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!