Wednesday, December 19, 2012

MUA Haul Part 3... "Heaven and Earth" Eyeshadow Palette: Swatches + Review!!

Here you have it: the final installment of my MUA haul!! 
If you missed out on Part 1 or Part 2, don't fret!! I embedded the links for your convenience (ahhh, internet magic).

Galileo is at the vet right now getting neutered so I'm hoping that writing this post will take my mind off of things (I watched the procedure on YouTube last night [because yes, I'm that kid])... I know that the procedure is done all the time but you know how moms are when it comes to their babies.

Anyways, on with it!!
Jump with me people!

If you're a nude eyeshadow kind of girl (or guy) then you NEED to get your hands on this palette. 
Heck, I'd even go as far as saying that even if you don't care for neutrals all that much then you should STILL get your hands on this palette.

The shadows are all so pigmented and buttery; perfect for either an everyday look, a smokey nude eye for a night out, or even just for blending and highlighting to compliment crazier looks.

As I did with the Undressed palette, I'm going to show you the swatches below (from left to right and top to bottom in the palette... like reading a book) and then name them based on how they look in the pan rather than how they look on my skin since the shadows definitely shift from pan to skin based on skin color.

 Shade 1 - Frosted Buttercream
Shade 2 - Shimmering Roasted Toffee
Shade 3 - Frosted Oak Butter
Shade 4 - Shimmering Peach Sherbet
 Shade 5 - Shimmering Cherry Mahogany
Shade 6 - Frosty Golden Butternut 
Shade 7 - Frosted Chestnut Suede
Shade 8 - Frosty Chocolate Whipped Cream
Shade 9 - Frosted Strawberry Cream Icing
Shade 10 - Shimmering Mauve Taupe
Shade 11 - Shimmering Hickory Maple Syrup
Shade 12 - Shimmering Brown Dusk

Overall there is an even 1:1 ratio here of frost and shimmer shades which is A-OKAY by me; I like a good matte as well but feel that when you stick to all mattes it tends to be quite aging so I'm a fan of mixing multiple different finishes in a look.

I really enjoyed creating a look from this palette that wasn't exactly "day" but wasn't quite "night" either... and considering I'm neither a morning nor night person (yes, people like that DO exist) it's actually pretty fitting that this is what I came up with.

Here's what I used:
Shade 7 ... all over the lid
Shade 11 ... in the crease
Shade 12 ... outer "V" and slightly smudged up into the crease
Shade 1 ... inner third of lower lash line
Shade 6 ... inner corner/tear duct

So there you have it!! The last and very loved installment of my MUA order and I must say, especially for the price, I couldn't be more pleased. For a drugstore brand these palettes have all been so wonderful to work with and have become something that I reach for every day when I'm getting ready in the morning. 
I can't recommend these palettes enough, so definitely check them out if you're looking for great cheap eyeshadows!! :)

Have you tried MUA's "Heaven and Earth" palette?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your neutral palette of choice?
Do you stick to just one palette of nude shades or do you feel like one is never enough and have a huge hoarding of natural shadows sitting around your bathroom?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I have this and while I love it I think I'm allergic to some of the shades, there are a few on the bottom row that when I use them for some reason I react, it's so odd :/ xx

  2. i love this palette

  3. The maple syrup shade looks lovely! Great eye look :)

    Lela -

  4. I liket it! And I really like the color of your eyes, it's beautiful♥

    Demi Lovesick

  5. I love neutral eyeshadows, these are sooo pretty!

  6. I've been humming and hawing over some MUA palettes, but I think I should just take the leap and buy some!

    By the way, I really enjoy following your blog and was wondering if you were going to make it possible to follow you via Bloglovin'? I keep up with my favourite blogs that way, and I'd really like to keep up to date with yours via that. Sorry to be a pain! XD

  7. Yazmine: Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that!! What a shame :(

    Lucy: Me too!

    Lela: Thank you so much!! It's one of my favorites as well :)

    Demi: Awww thank you so much!! You're too sweet >3<

    Analisa: Me too, they're my favorite!!

    Maria: Definitely take the leap!! It's so worth it :) And thank you so much for the kind words and suggestion; I added a bloglovin follow button on the sidebar of my blog for you ;)

  8. I love your blog, and your banner is super cute!

    I love MUA.. cheap, affordable & fab!

    Gemma xxx

  9. I love this pallette! Such good quality for the price!! Lovely blog, definitely worth a follow! :)

    Beckie x

  10. Rosalinda: Thank you so much!

    Gemma: Aww you're too sweet!! Thank you so so much :)

    Anna: Thanks!

    Beckie: Yes, it really is!! Glad you like it too :) And thank you so much, you're too kind!!

  11. Yolandaas: Thanks, I've definitely become an MUA lover myself!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!