Monday, December 17, 2012

NOTD: O.P.I. Black Cherry Chutney

Over the past couple of weeks I have painted my nails this color three times. 
That may or may not be all the reason you need to go out and get your hands on this polish so that your hands can then put this polish onto your nails so that your nails can then rejoice to the heavens.

Or, you know, you could just take the jump below instead so you can salivate and weep simultaneously; (in the sing-song voice that Kitty uses in that one episode of That 70's Show) pick your baaaattlessssss...

I really wish the photos I took of the polish on my nails did Black Cherry Chutney any sort of justice. Thankfully you can get a glimpse of its beauty through the photos of the polish in the bottle; it's such a gorgeously deep purple (think purple velvet on a king's crown poof [please tell me you know what I'm talking about]) that borders on black but when the light hits it just right there is a reflux of rich sparkling cabernet...
Wearing this makes you feel like freaking royalty, I'm telling you.

I wish I had more to say but I feel like my words are garbage compared to the beauty that Black Cherry Chutney is in person.
So go.
Frolic on over to your nearest O.P.I. retailer (or heck, stay on your couch and order it off eBay; that's what I did) and buy this little gem. I can pretty much guarantee you'll love it (I say "pretty much" because I can't trust that everyone has good taste #nooffenseyoucan'thelpit).

Now, back to finally binging on watching the seventh season of Dexter with Galileo:

 I blame him for picking a trashy scene before he would give me photo opportunity... thanks babe.

Have you tried O.P.I.'s Black Cherry Chutney?
Love it? Hate it (I'll cry #justsayin')?
What has been your go-to nail polish as of lately (or do you like to switch things up)?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Your royal polish is royal the color! I am tired of painting my nails red every single time lately (in different shades of course ;) but I think I am the only one who notices that)...I am gonna try black cherry chutney out! :D
    Galileo is just too cute by the way! :)

  2. This is such a wonderful color! I have only recently rediscovered nail polish. Didn't use it for years and now I'm obsessed with it.

  3. Looks gorgeous, ,must check out the O.P.I nail varnishes! Looks comparable to my Essie - Sole Mate nail varnish which I am loving :)

    Hamida x

  4. Eve: Hehe I completely understand... I always get nervous people are going to notice but to be honest I doubt they even care much less notice ^^; And thank you for the compliments!!

    Vanessa: Thanks, I think so too!! And yay, I'm glad you rediscovered nail polish... anyone who looks at my blog even semi-regularly can tell I'm more than just a little obsessed haha :p

    Hamida: Thank you, yes you definitely should!! I like O.P.I. so much more than essie polishes so definitely go check them out (not that my opinion is the be-all-end-all but I know a lot of people who agree with me).

    Analisa: Thank you, I think so too!! :)

  5. Love nail polish and I love this colour!

  6. Ok, help your old Mum out the last photo (before my Galileo's photo) a really, REALLY close up shot of one of your fingernails, or is it the bottle of polish? X o x o

  7. Pia J: Thanks!!

    Mutti: Hahahhahahahahhahhah that's the bottle... :)

  8. Gorgeous shade! Love it! :))


  9. I've been debating getting this color a long time and now I think I may have to get it! i have a makeup/beauty blog as well and would love if you checked it out!

  10. RosyChicc: Thank you, as do I!!

    Ana G: Thank you, go get it!!

    Emma: Do it!! The color is so much more gorgeous in real life :)

  11. I love My Private Jet by OPI but this has to join my ranks of polishes! The 'cherry' in it just makes me think of wonder this is such a gorgeous colour! *hears wallet wailing*

  12. Maria: Oooooo I had never heard of that O.P.I. shade before but it looks gorgeous!! And go comfort your wallet... tell it how worth it it will be since your soon to be lovely cherry nails will soon carry it around town ;)


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