Saturday, January 19, 2013

NYX Mega Shine Lip Gloss: "Beige" + "Sugar Pie" Swatches & Review

I can't believe a month has already flown by since I picked these up in a BOGO sale at ULTA (the same time I nabbed their super disappointing Eye Shadow Base) but I'm finally getting around to doing a proper review of these glosses!
These, especially the shade "Beige", tend to get a LOT of hype in the blogosphere and on YouTube; do they live up to high expectations or were these as much of a let down as NYX's Eye Shadow Base?

Take the jump to find out!!

I hate to be a debbie downer but I was pretty disappointed in the performance of these glosses.
HOWEVER, I have to say that the anticlimax was absolutely due to the hype that people give these glosses; if they hadn't been so utterly hyped then I'm sure I would have been more pleased with these so do bear that in mind.

The packaging is simple and cute, like most NYX products are housed in, and the gloss itself smells like artificial cherries (which I could see people either loving or hating). Thankfully there isn't a strange taste that comes with the scent though as these are, in my opinion, utterly tasteless. 

 Left - Beige, Right - Sugar Pie

Here's where the disappointment set in.
With a name like "Mega Shine" I expected these to be, to state the obvious, ultra shiny. However, I found that these were no more glossy than other drug store lip glosses and the pigmentation was utterly lacking.

Based on the hand swatches I know that seems contradictory to say, but once you see these on my lips you'll see why I feel they're lacking in the pigment department. 
Also, while we're on the subject of pigment, I have to tell you that I found these extremely hard to apply; the applicator doesn't pick up much product so it takes me around 6-10 dips into the tube to coat my lips evenly.


Sugar Pie

You can tell that these absolutely have enough pigmentation to provide the lips with color but what I find wrong with the pigment is that it settles into the lines of the lips (which you can see in the photos above). 
This is utterly unflattering (if you ask me) and thus I would have to wear these with a lipstick underneath to mask the color patchiness.

That aside, these aren't BAD lip glosses by any stretch of the means. They just didn't live up to the hype that they receive and thus I felt let down. 
So long as you're willing to work with these glosses and don't mind their quirks then you'll probably get along with the NYX Mega Shine Lip Glosses just swimmingly. I just personally own other drug store lip glosses that perform exceedingly better so I can't see myself reaching for these on even a semi-regular basis.

Le sigh... 
even Galileo, who's usually all up in my business when I'm taking blog photos, found these to be a bit of a snooze.

Oh well; you win some you lose some I guess!!

Have you tried the NYX Mega Shine Lip Glosses?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What's your favorite drug store lip gloss?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I tend to find lipglosses in general pretty underwhelming - I'd rather stick with something a little more pigmented! I hate being disappointed in hyped products too :(

  2. I love these! The both look gorgeous on you! I'm eyeballing the pink!

  3. I received Beige and Tea Rose as gifts today! Can't wait to try them out! And thanks for the review! :)

  4. I have one of these but I don't remember which color. It's a nice gloss, but I literally never wear it :/

  5. Thanks for sharing
    love the colors

  6. The colour of these glosses are lovely but I hate glosses that are a pain to apply so i'm not tempted to buy.

    Nice review. Your cat is gorgeous by the way!!

    Kimberley x

  7. Ampersaand: I have a few glosses that blow my mind but otherwise they do tend to be underwhelming, I agree :(

    Katie: Aw thanks!! I hope you love it more than I do :)

    Blog Rince: Absolutely, no problem! And I hope you love them more than I do... like said, a lot of people seem to adore them with all of the hype they receive :)

    Coco: Haha I'm right there with you Coco... I've got a feeling I'll never wear these (I just own way too many other lip products that blow these out of the water!!).

    Brooklyn Grace: No problem and thank you!!

    Kimberley: Yeah, the application of these is no fun at all so I can't say I'd recommend them :/ And thank you so much!!

  8. They look wonderful on your lips! But awe sucks that these settle into the lip lines, I almost never find anything that won't!
    <3, Mel

  9. Mel: Thank you!! but yeah they're just a bugger to work with... not worth the pretty color at all! :(

  10. It's such a shame these didn't work for you! They do look super pretty on you though x

    1. I was pretty bummed too since I agree, the colors are lovely!!

  11. Cute packaging and the shades look really nice :)

  12. Nothing I hate more than lip colors that settle in the lines of my lips. Kinda bummed because like you I've heard a lot about these. Thanks for the honest review.

    1. Absolutely, I'm always happy to give an honest review!! If I can save someone else the purchase and regret than I'm glad to do so :)

  13. I use beige over ysl #9 for my daily look. I adore it.

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