Thursday, February 21, 2013

50 Random Things About Me!!

As per usual I forgot to upload this video onto my blog the other day... whoops!!
So if you haven't seen it already/if you want to get to know me (quite) a bit better then have a gander at my "50 Random Things About Me!!" tag video! 

It was a lot of fun to film and take multiple trips down memory lane so I hope you all enjoy it as well :)

xoxo - Cassie


  1. You're hilarious! I love the video! I've been working on my facts for about a month, I swear...I've only got 25 so far so it might have to do! Also, I LOVE your glasses x

    1. Aw thank you dear!! I'm glad you enjoyed (and glad you love my glasses!! They're kind of a staple hehe). And I'm sure you've got another 25 facts up your sleeve!! Don't over think it and I'm sure it'll be great to read through :D

  2. You are adorable....but you forgot the fun fact #51, that you have the awesomest Mum ever :-) ! And that she is the blonde version of you... Oh, and your amazing right angle bending back thumbs... I could go on and on with wonderful fun facts about you. X o Mutti

    1. D'awwww thanks mutti!! And geez I should have consulted you before I made this video, you remembered the best things of all! Just remember I wouldn't be me without you! :)

  3. I enjoyed the video very much, and watching your cat wander around.Favorite fact was your "bitch" face, that made me giggle.

    We have something in common as well, I really don't react to movies too much, unless they are unbelievably corny. Twilight, anyone? Then my inner snark comes out, and I possibly react TOO much. Sorry...but when he said tree monkey...I lost it.

    1. Hahahhaha that's true you got me on that one; when Jacob jumps up the tree to Bella's window, when Edward just watches Bella sleep, when the fan in the classroom blows through Bella's hair... oh how I could go on. I definitely bust out laughing at that kind of stuff though, like you, it's probably a little TOO much haha. Glad you liked the video :)


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