Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Winter Skin Saviors

I'm not sure if it's been the weather in general this winter or merely just the difference between Minnesota and Massachusetts air but, either way, my skin has been all sorts of patchy and dry as of late.
Thankfully my mom has really good taste (without even really knowing it in this case) and gave me two of these products over the holiday season; she hadn't tried either of them but gifted them to me anyways and I couldn't be happier!!
I hope I'm that magically intuitive if/when I'm a mother someday...

Take the jump for more information on these three winter wonder products!!

If you're feeling a bit lazy and don't want to enlarge the photo above to read about what each product promises (I understand, no judgement has been passed), I'll sum it up in an easy to understand visual: 
these products will make your skin sprout singing naked angel babies of joy and happiness.

I feel like I've spoken endlessly about this product on my YouTube channel (in my What I Got For Christmas video as well as my Best & Worst of Beauty: January '13 video) but for the sake of those of you who don't like watching me babble on the 'tube (it's a lot to listen to, I know... like said before, no judgements have been passed) I will review it once more here in text. 

The Lancome Triple Action Renewal Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream is truly OH-so luxurious. 
It's a thick baby pink cream that, although it's a night cream, I use in the morning and is so wonderful to wake up to. The scent of it starts off as a bit powdery but almost instantly turns into a beautifully sweet floral once you start massaging it into your skin. 
If you use it in a sparing amount (like you're supposed to though I understand it can be easy to go a bit crazy with delicious products such as this) it moisturizes your skin for the whole day under makeup and doesn't cause any sort of oily mishaps throughout (which I've found happens with quite a few heavy duty moisturizers).

This little guy is my newest, and most loveliest, addition to my collection of lip balms.
I have heard SO much about it from UK bloggers and have always wanted to give it a try so I was really thrilled to have received it in my Birchbox this month.

True to what I've been reading, this stuff is amazing!! As you can see in the sort of poo-shot above (hahahaha please excuse me) this is very similar to Vaseline BUT (and it's a very large and differential 'but' [not unlike my own... hahahhaahh I'm sorry you'll have to excuse me again]) is much thicker and doesn't carry the smell and taste that I associate with Vaseline. 
The Dr. Lipp Original Nipple Balm For Lips really coats and nourishes your lips; I love using it when I'm bumming around my apartment in the evening so that I can look forward to soft and hydrated lips in the morning. 

Now, onto the real show stopper.

I've never had a problem with patches of dry skin around my eyes until this winter but it really is quite a miserable thing to have. Not only does it make your skin flake and irritated but it also makes covering under-eye circles even more of pain than it already is. 
I had tried multiple different creams to try and remedy these dry patches but nothing was working; I was just about to make a (fairly expensive) purchase from Sephora to cure my skin woes but thankfully remembered this sample that my mom had given to me the last time she was visiting me here in Boston. 

I had always been under the impression that a cream, especially for dehydrated eyes/skin, needed to be super thick in order for it to be effective. Oh how horrendously wrong I was; the Kate Somerville CytoCell Dermal Energizing Treatment is definitely on the runnier side as far as creams go but it honestly got rid of my stubborn dry patches after two days. Two days!! 
This has become my holy grail eye cream and use it every night before I go to bed. It keeps your skin hydrated throughout the night and leaves it supple and glowing when you wake up in the morning. 

So much babble for one little post, huh? I just wanted to be able to give a good thorough review of these products for anyone suffering from the same dry/dehydrated skin like myself this winter. 

Have you tried any of these products?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What are your favorite winter moisturizers?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I'm right up there with you and the dry skin bizz. I'm currently using The Body Shops aloe day and night cream and they are wonderful. But I need to look into that Kate Somerville Treatment because I too am having dry problems around my eyes, such a task for eyeshadow!! Great post!


    1. Oh good I'm glad you have things that already help your skin out!! But yes definitely check out the Kate Somerville Treatment... I was so absolutely shocked when the dry patches around my eyes vanished after two days and they haven't come back since!!
      And thanks so much :) xx

  2. I sometimes use my mom's Lancome skincare products and I always love them!!

    1. Hehe it's always nice using your mother's products isn't it? ;) But yeah this was my first experience with a Lancome skin product (or maybe any product?) and I am in looooove!

  3. I love using night creams during the day, they're so much more moisturizing - I really love that this one is pink! Also, I really need to get my hands on the Dr Lipp balm, my lips are SO dry in winter!

    1. I agree, they really do the job that daytime moisturizers can't seem to do! The pink is a very nice touch I agree haha :) And yes, try and get your hands on the Dr. Lipp balm it is amaaaaazing just like everyone has said!

  4. Is it wrong to want a night cream because it is a beautiful color? Baby pink is what I am all about these days, even though that color is atrocious by my face. Even bought a pink petticoat from domino dollhouse!!!! Le sigh.

    1. Haha no it's not wrong to want a cream because of the color; it really is gorgeous and very enticing :) I'm sure the color looks lovely on you, though you won't have to worry about that with this cream since it dissolves into your skin <3

  5. great post! :))
    thanks for sharing this.


  6. I haven't really learnt how to combat the dreaded dry winter skin as in NZ it doesn't get that cold, but here in Japan it does :( But I love using my Antipodes Joyous Protein-Rich Night Replenish Serum (phew, what a mouthful!), it smells absolutely gorgeous and sinks into the skin well.

    Think I need to try out the Kate Somerville Treatment!

    1. I feel like I always hear great things about Antipodes products!! Definitely give the Kate Somerville Treatment a go if you're in need of some extra oomph in your hydration routine though :)


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