Saturday, March 23, 2013

NOTD: love & beauty (Forever21) "Black/Fuchsia"

Sorry for the lack of posts lately... real life has been a bit hectic (read: I am a slave to my place of work #thankfullynotliterally #moneymoneymoney).
I've got quite a few things coming up though so hopefully this super quick NOTD post will tide you over until next time :)

Pretty sure I have to throw this out there: this has got to be one of the worst names for a nail polish ever.
Not because of its inaccuracy but because of how stupidly uncreative it is. Although, considering F21 polishes are dirt cheap I suppose I shouldn't be too bothered (though obviously I kind of sort of am).

That aside, this polish is really a stunner if you take the time to get up close and personal with it. It's one of those polishes that looks black/deep purple from afar but when the light hits it just right and you're paying enough attention, you can then see the flecks of fuchsia sparkles laced throughout the dark base.

If you do get your hands on this polish though, do be aware that before putting a top coat on this is probably one of the ugliest polishes ever. 
(yup, I just did that twice in one post)
I should have taken a quick photo of it but I had to cover up the ugliness as soon as possible; the color isn't any different but it's the finish of it that's really off-putting. It's a sort of gritty and dull matte texture that couldn't be more unpleasant to feel or look at but thankfully that can easily be fixed with a super shiny top coat (like the wonderful Seche Vite that I swear by).

Do you own F21's "Black/Fuchsia" polish?
Love it? Hate it?
How do you feel about F21 polishes in general?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Lovely nail polish^^
    I love black^^
    HAve a nice day, kisses ;**

  2. Yeah the name is dumb....really really dumb. I bet a man named it, they can be so literal. Pretty on though, was it advertised as a sand type polish, or just had a weird finish? I love Zoya Pixie Dust polish, but only with a top coat, I like a shiny finish. I swear by Seche Vite too!!! I just discovered there is a Seche Recovery system that will thin out a half used bottle, you know when it gets really thick and you get those string things? I have about three bottles on my table that I don't use for that very reason, now I can use them again. YEAH ME!

    1. Hehe it probably was a man who named it ;) And nope, this was supposed to just be a regular polish... so it was very strange when it turned out to have a finish similar to one. I need a super shiny finish too, otherwise my nails just don't feel/look right!!

  3. I honestly love f21 polishes! they have a great mix of nail poilish and glitter for such a low price xx

    1. I agree I actually love their polishes (especially for the price) but this one was just the strangest consistency!! Nothing a good top coat couldn't/didn't fix though :)

  4. I love f21 polishes, I bought a huge bunch on my trip to NY a couple of years ago. My personal faves are the scented ones, but they're all pretty boring when it comes to names!

    Danielleyc | UK Beauty, fashion & lifestyle blog

    1. I've actually never tried the scented ones!!! I guess I just assumed it was a gimmick and that they would smell awful haha. But yes the names of most of them really are pretty boring :/

  5. It's amazing what a top coat can do in transforming a polish from gross to shiny, smooth perfection :p The flecks in this remind me of Essence Grand-Plié in Black from the Ballerina Backstage collection :)

    1. It really does make the biggest difference!! And ooooo you're right they do look very similar!! I love subtle details like that in my polishes :)


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