Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wet n Wild "Comfort Zone" Palette & "Nutty" Single Eye Shadow: Swatches + Review!!

I've had this post on the back-burner for the longest time now; I just don't think I can put into words how freaking stinking beautiful these eyeshadows are!! 
Alas, I will try my darndest. 

Take the jump to indulge in some shadow p0rn!

I've actually had the Wet n Wild Comfort Zone palette for quite some time now but the single shadow "Nutty" is a new(er; I think I picked this up a few months ago) addition to my makeup wardrobe. 
It wasn't until recently (the month of March) though, when I pulled these out of my makeup drawer (stop judging) for my monthly product rotations, that I fell into a proper love relationship with these Wet n Wild beauties.

True to most shadows from this drugstore budget brand, these are buttery soft, highly pigmented, and basically just an absolute joy to slather on the eyes in the morning.

I'll be honest, Nutty threw me for a loop.

I had always heard wonderful things about this shadow (mainly how beautiful of a color it is) but honestly it just didn't grab me upon glancing through the plastic packaging; it seemed like nothing more than a typical cool toned brown/grey. 
Once swatched, Nutty is a complete color-shifter (beautiful sneaky b**tard). This is one of THE MOST beautiful warm hazelnut coffee bean colors on the market (and you KNOW I don't say these things lightly).

The fact that I'm willing to keep a single shadow out on my bathroom counter (read: make myself do the morning hassle hustle) says it all. Nutty is worth it... it's worth everything.

Onto the Comfort Zone palette:

Truth be told, I don't use all of the shadows in this palette. The first three colors on the right side are fairly useless (I can't see anyone getting much use out of those shades, though I can see them as the lovely shadows they are if you're wanting to create a green shadow look [bless your soul]) but that's A-OKAY by me because the left side of the Comfort Zone palette and the duochrome definer shade on the right side are more than worth the $4.99 you shell out for this collection of shadows.
These all have a frost finish to them (apart from the two shimmer/sparkle shades) but don't let that frighten you; these look absolutely stunning on the eyes and, when blended properly with other matte shadows (sadly not included), are sure to melt a few hearts (though thankfully not literally).

Using left browbone, left crease, left definer, and Nutty.
 Using left eyelid and Nutty.
Using left browbone,  left crease, right definer, and Nutty.
 Using all four shadows on left side of palette.

I've collected a handful of shadow looks throughout the days here to show you all how versatile the Comfort Zone palette and Nutty can be. From simple day to smokey night (though I wore that look to school roflolz), these shadows have you covered!!

Do you have the Wet n Wild Comfort Zone palette or Nutty single eye shadow?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What eye shadow palette are you currently loving?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie

 I feel like it's been awhile since I've put Galileo in a post... so here he is having a good afternoon shnooze.


  1. I have this palette too! The right side is so meh to me. The light green in particular was really disappointing.

    1. I know, I really am not quite sure why they put the green shades in there but, as I said, I think they rest of this palette is fantastic and well worth the price :)

  2. This is so weird!! I bought exactly these two from Wet n Wild last year! I never even tried Nutty on though, because after swatching for the sake of my post on the Comfort Zone palette, I promptly discovered I was allergic to something in the eyeshadows! It's too bad because Nutty is gorgeous, but I had to pass it on to my sister. They look great on you though, you lucky duck! xx

    1. Whoop whoop cosmetic purchasing twins!! But oh no, that's so sad to hear that you're allergic to these shadows D: Glad to hear that you passed them over to your sister; hopefully she put them to good use <3 And thank you so much!!

  3. Your eyes look GORGEOUS with these eyeshadows!

  4. I love Nutty and I loooove the Comfort Zone palette! It's actually weird because at first I didn't like the Color Icon eyeshadows but it was totally because I was applying them wrong. My first time using them I expected them to be like the typical drugstore eyeshadows (not very pigmented at all) and I piled them on and they creased after some hours. Wet'n'Wild eyeshadows aren't the pile on kind because they're super pigmented and creamy. Haha, long ramble aside, the point is I love them and you created gorgeous looks xx

    1. Haha I loved your ramble Coco thanks for posting it :D And yeah I can completely see what you were thinking when first applying these... I actually think I did the same thing which is a shame because it made me think my eye primer was crap when in fact it was just the amount of shadow I put over it!! Thankfully I gave the primer a second chance though and now love it to death :) Phew, there's a ramble in return for you!! And thanks so much Coco, you're too kind <3

  5. I love the looks you've created! I really like WnW, but haven't picked up this particular palette because I'm very much into neutral eyeshadows and the greenish eyeshadow put me off. I admit I was wrong, this looks wonderful!

    1. Thank you darlin'!! I definitely didn't realize how neutral these shadows could be either but I'm glad I came around to them and was able to show you the light! :) Definitely nab it if you're looking for a cheap drugstore thrill xx

  6. This palette looks gorgeous and and looks you've created are really nice!

    Kimberley x

  7. I really wish we could get Wet n Wild over here! I've heard nothing but good things about them and don't get me started on the prices, value or what?! Love the looks you've created :)

    1. Oh no, that's such a shame that you don't have Wet n Wild where you live D: They definitely are a great cheap thrill brand. Thanks so much though, I'm glad you like and am sure you could recreate these looks with other shadows/palettes :)

  8. Those are some great colors for eyeshadow! I usually stick to neutrals or just liquid eyeliner, but after reading this I may try branching out more!

    1. Thanks Darcy, I hope you try branching out a bit!! I used to be a one-look type of girl with my eyes but I think changing it up day to day can be a lot of fun :)

  9. I've never tried them, but these look pretty awesome :):)

    1. They really are, you should give them a shot sometime if you can! :)

  10. These look absolutely BEAUTIFUL on you! And you're absolutely right about nutty. GORGEOUS. Want.

    1. Awww thank you baby!! And go get Nutty!! For the dollar that it is (at least I think it was a dollar? It was no more than two dollars, in any case) it is MORE than worth it :D

  11. Great post! I love the Comfort Zone palette so much! That defined shade you talked about is just ridiculous in its beauty. I did a similar post with Wet n Wild and had the same reaction. They are soooo worth their price tag and then some!!


    1. Thank you Hillary!! I'm so glad that you love this palette as much as I do <3


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