Tuesday, April 9, 2013

NOTD: Pink Tie-Dye

Quick little nothing post for you all but I figured, since my nails were kind of sort of everywhere in my April Birchbox post, I should put this up for those that expressed interest in my colorful digits!

I always wonder if people are grossed out by the dust/buildup on my nail polish bottles haha... it's just not something I can wipe off though because I keep my nail polishes out in the bathroom and, like many, I spray hairspray in the bathroom so the dust sticks to the hairspray and it's basically stuck on there for the rest of forever. 

Anywhew, these nails are the type that look suuuuper complicated to create but in reality only take 10 seconds (give or take) per nail. 
I'm not sure if any of you remember a certain nail post from way back when but I basically did the same thing here as I did there except on my whole nail. All you have to do to recreate this look is grab at least two polishes, put a few blobs of each color onto your nail, then swirl the colors together with the end of a bobby pin; easy peasy!! Slap on a super glossy top coat and you've got a fantastic looking manicure (if I do say so myself).

Another thing people always wonder is if I only paint the nails on my left hand when I do nail art. To answer I have to laugh a little and say no way!! I'm lucky in the sense that I'm semi-ambidextrous (I am predominantly right handed but am left hand dominant with certain things like rolling camera film [and other semi-useless life skills]) but I usually only take a picture of my left hand because my camera is right handed... if you've ever tried to take a picture on a right handed camera with your left hand then you know why I don't really ever do it haha ;)
I included a photo of both hands for you all though so you know you can trust me!

How have you all been?
Done anything creative with your nails lately?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Quite pretty! I didn't notice the 'dust' until you mentioned it (really!).


    1. Hahah guess I should have kept my mouth shut!! But thanks Monica, glad you like :)

  2. Beautiful! I can't wait to try this with the massive amount of nailpolishes my fiance surprised me with (and by massive, I mean he got me at least 15 polishes). Once again, there you go inspiring me. : )

    1. OH MY GOSH, you clearly have the best fiance in the worrrrrrrld!!! Haha I would have been absolutely giddy and then baked him a cake. So glad to inspire, these nails really are very easy to do and I'm sure you'll love the results you get because they'll be uniquely your own! ^__^

    2. He can be pretty darn fabulous. Instead of a cake, I got him something from Birchbox (from the man's side of course). Lol. You have me addicted to their site. I do my own acrylics and I think this will look amazing once I put my nails on again. : )

    3. Haha perfect I hope he loved the return gift!! Birchbox really is a great company in my eyes so I'm happy to have turned you on to them :) And yay, I hope you love it once you have the chance to try these nails out!! <333

  3. Wow. Wonderful. I love this so much. Pretty nails^^ Wanna try^^
    have a nice day, kisses ;*


    1. Thank you Miska!! Glad you love these so much and I hope you try them out for yourself sometime soon! Such a pretty and easy nail design, I promise :)

  4. it's simple.. but nice... i like it..:)
    would you like to follow each other?


  5. these are so pretty! I've always wanted to try marble art but haven't got round to it (lazy) :O I love the colours you've picked, simple, feminine and gorgeous :) x

    1. Awww thank you Lauren!! Definitely give this a try because it will take you no time at all, I promise :D

  6. This looks so nice, will be trying this effect!

    Nyss x


  7. I'm useless with marbling and swirling, haha. This is so cool! Look like what I imagine a strawberries and cream ice cream flavor would look like packaged in a tub of ice cream! Mmmm! :)

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. Oh my, don't even start with me!! The last thing I need is to run out and get some ice cream haha. I'm sure you can do this though if you really try Jess :D

  8. Pretty! And you make it sound so simple! I've never tried anything like it but I'm really tempted to try it tonight x

    1. It really is simple, I promise!! Definitely give it a try :)

  9. Your nails look really delicious! I've had dust stuck to stuff because of hairspray too :( So terrible!

    1. Haha thanks Coco!! And I'm glad I'm not the only one with hairspray/dust problems =__=;

  10. This effect looks so amazing, definitely going to try this out!

    Megan xxx

    1. Thanks so much, I hope you do give it a shot!! :D

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I love this, this came out gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much I'm so glad you like it!! Definitely give it a try for yourself sometime ^__^


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