Friday, April 12, 2013

tarte Amazonian clay 12-hour blush "blissful": Swatches + Review!

Considering this is one of the very first cosmetic pieces I've ever purchased (cue sweet memories before makeup became an obsession) I'd say it's about time I did a proper review on tarte's "blissful" for you all!
I know I had included it in my "Pretty In Peach" post (extra gold stars to anyone who remembered it was even in my "2012 Best In Beauty" post!) but I really do think that this blush is gorgeous enough to warrant a post of its own. 

"Blissful" is, to put it as simply and beautifully as possible, a matte warm pink; there's no shimmer, no sparkle, no crazy undertones or gimmicks, just pure pink bliss (pun not intended but I like it so I'm keeping it there).

I haven't allowed Galileo to photobomb any pictures recently so I figured I would include a couple this time around since they were so darn cute... "blissful" matches his little pink nose almost perfectly!!

You can also see that I've put a decent dent in this blush; if you've ever worked with a tarte Amazonian clay blush you would be well aware that you just dab your brush onto the powder (no need for rubbing or swirling) and you have enough pigment for both cheeks. So for there to be this much wear on the pattern of "blissful"... well, I'm pretty darn proud to say the least!
I'm really not kidding when I say this is one of my all-time favorite blushes. If I could only pick one blush to work with for the rest of my life I would probably pick "blissful" because of the no-nonsense natural beauty look that it lends my cheeks.

So there you have it! 
Hopefully my feelings have been adequately expressed for this blush, though, for those of you who have been in love before (with a cosmetic product or otherwise *ahem*), you're probably aware that words will never be enough.

Have you tried tarte's "blissful"?
Love it? Hate it (say it ain't so...)?
What's your favorite blush of all time?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. gorgeous colour, it looks great on you! lovely pictures of your cat investigating the product! x

    1. Thanks so much and I'm glad you liked Galileo in the pictures ^__^

  2. Sounds absolutely lovely and the colour really is such a subtle, natural shade. I have a tarte blush myself and love the quality and pigmentation! x

    1. So glad you agree with me on tarte blushes!! If I could afford it I would own every single one hhaha #dreamz

  3. I really want a Tarte blush, but I can't decide which one to pick up...this may be the one! Galileo is adorable, I love how you managed to get a photo of him reflected in the mirror!

    Blindly Beautiful

    1. Do iiiiiiiiiiit!! Seriously, if you couldn't tell by the post, this blush is everything. Seriously just so perfect. Don't you want to feel perfect????? Hahahah enough of my love (tarte should probably sponsor me). And yes, the photo opportunity of Galileo was just too perfect to pass up! :D

  4. I love this line of blushes and have been thinking about investing (expensive makeup needs to be carefully thought about in my house since I have a new little munchkin in my house now). I know you said this one has no shimmer. Do any of the others? My skin usually stays on the matte side, especially if I wear any sort of foundation so I like that hint of shimmer to brighten my face up. On a side note, I got my Birchbox yesterday. Once again, nowhere near as awesome as yours. I didn't get the lip pencil but I'm actually pleased that I got an eye serum and a foundation (even though it's too dark) but they gave me macaroons and shampoo. Is there any way to tell them what I do and don't like?

    1. I absolutely understand and am with you on investigating high end products (heck, even drug store!) before taking the plunge! And ahhh yes tarte absolutely makes some lovely colors with shimmer! Glisten seems like a very similar type of color to this with the shimmer you're looking for and Achiote (which I've kind of sort of been drooling over since its release) is a gorgeous amped up 'natural' color (if that makes sense) with sheen rather than shimmer (similar to the sheen of NARS' Orgasm). So maybe check those out :D
      And oh no, I'm sorry you weren't as pleased with your Birchbox D: Happy you got some things that you loved anyways though. Have you filled out the profile or whatever it's called on the site? You know, the thing where they ask you a ton of questions about your beauty concerns, the types of products you would look forward to receiving, etc? That's basically how they figure out what to send you!! And also reviewing the products after you get them/test them out lets them know what you liked and don't like (plus earns you those extra points, whoop whoop!!)! :)

  5. Are you in love with this blush? Because I just couldn't tell, haha! Tarte blushes are amazeballs and if I could own every color I would be a happy camper! I thought this color would look a lot darker but it's so nice and natural. Looks be-a-u-tiful on your cheeks! And eek, I wove Galileo he's just so cute! Look at that serene expression in the compact mirror, very chic ;) I can't pick a favorite blush of all time! But I do love NARS blushes oh boy, oh boy yes I do :)

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. Haha I know I'm pretty transparent when it comes to my beauty-feelings ;) But thanks Jess, I'm so happy you liked!! Definitely swatch this in store because I bet it would love luuuuurvely on you as well! And yes, NARS blushes are also beyond lovely <3

  6. I love the packaging of that blush! It looks so pretty on you!

    1. Isn't the packaging cute??? Glad you like it as well and thanks so much!!

  7. Gorgeous colour! I love it :)

  8. I love these so much! My favorite for everyday is Exposed!!


    1. Exposed is also a lovely color though I'm afraid it's a bit too light for my skin tone!! Must look lovely on you though :)

  9. You have such naturally luminous skin Cassie!

    XOXO Sade

  10. Thanks for reminding me why I need at least one Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in my life ... it's a pity UK stockists don't sell it but I'll get around that - eventually. It looks so pretty on you! One question though does it have a fragrance? Just wondering :)

    1. Haha of course I'm glad I could remind you!! I think it's a shame that the UK doesn't make tarte easily accessible; they're such a fantastic brand and pump out SO many great makeup products! Also, to answer your question, nope there is no fragrance! Absolutely smell free so that's a plus (at least I think so) :)


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