Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Super-Sized OOTW Post!!

I absolutely cannot believe that I've done a total of 17 weeks of outfits for you all now!! Honestly I never thought I would get such great feedback on these videos but I'm so happy and grateful that you enjoy them ^__^ 
So, without further ado, here is my most recent OOTW video (get ready for a lot of Galileo thrown in there as well!):

As always, I hope you enjoy(ed)!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Ahh, I LOOOVE the stripped dress on you! <3

  2. I can only agree with the comment above: You look great in the stripped and floral dress! And the shoes are really cute as well :) x


    1. Aw thanks so much!! Very flattered and happy you liked it ^__^

  3. I concur with everyone above - the stripped dress is killer!

    In other news, your videos have inspired me to take the plunge and adopt a furbaby. It's been on my mind for a few months now and seeing Galileo pop up through your videos really sealed the deal with regards to how much I need a pet to keep me sane and happy. I see how much joy Galileo brings you and I wanted to say a quick thanks for helping me make my final decision. (P.S. I will be adopting an adult cat from my local shelter so there will be one less homeless kitty in the world.)

    1. Thank you so much Olga, really!! I guess I need to wear that dress more haha (I love it too though so that's not a problem).

      AND YAYAYAY for getting yourself a little fur baby of your own!! Really, I don't know you but if you've been thinking about it and are ready to give all of your love to a little bundle of fur then you will be nothing but rewarded from your baby. If seeing Galileo and myself together in videos and whatnot makes you think you'll be happy with a kitty then I'm sure you will; they can be a handful (they get into everything and will keep you up at night more often than not) but are such loving creatures if you treat them the right way and are patient with them. I can't imagine my life without Galileo (like you said, he keeps me sane and happy!) and really hope that you have a wonderful experience adopting :) You're doing a very selfless thing by doing that and, like said, will be rewarded with lots of love, snuggles, and laughs for doing so.

      LONG STORY SHORT: I'm so happy for you and would love to hear about your fur baby once you get him or her!! <3

  4. I love your striped+denim ensemble Cassie!How perfect is that for summer? But you definitely look AMAZING especially in that striped dress!! Gorgeous. :D


    1. Thank you Kathy, I really liked that outfit as well (even though the temperature went waaaay up during the day so I regretted wearing a sweatshirt later haha)!! And thank you for your kindness as always <3 <3 <3


  5. Your outfits are all so casually cool:) I especially love the striped dress with the cardi and the belt - ultra chic! :)

    1. Aww thank you!! I'm so glad you liked the outfits and maybe got some inspiration from them <3

  6. Hey lovely. You look amazing, loving your style pics. I also enjoyed your sally hansen post - in particular the peachy one, it is now on my wishlist. New follower here - look forward to reading more from you. Love Laura xxx A Scottish Lass ❤

    1. Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! So so happy you enjoy my blog and I'm so happy to have you here <3


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