Wednesday, May 22, 2013

NOTD²: Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat Textured Nail Colors "Fuzz-Sea" & "Peach Fuzz"

Top: "Fuzz-Sea" / Bottom: "Peach Fuzz"

I saw these on display at Target when I was buying some tampons the other day and figured "you know what, my uterus is in knots and my vagina's bleeding so why not treat myself to something pretty?" ESPECIALLY since I have been wanting one of these types of polishes since they started popping up on UK blogs; I'm not sure if they just launched in the UK first or if they're just really scarce here in the states but either way this is the first time I've seen any sort of finish like this within my reach.
And reach I did folks.
Reach. I. did.

And what better time than now to put this post up? Happy Gilmore is on TV (even though I own the DVD... is anyone else a bit of a self-sadist and make themselves sit through commercials like I do??) so I'm feeling all sorts of fuzzy with nostalgia; it's one of my dad's favorite movies so we watched it all the time as kids and even now I can't help but snort with laughter throughout the stupidity ("YOU'RE GONNA DIE CLOWN!!!!!")
Either way, this isn't a movie post!! Take the jump and let's get onto the (picture heavy post of) fantastic 'fuzzy' nail polishes shall we?

I'm going to start things off with "Fuzz-Sea" because... well, because it's what I painted my nails with first. 
My creativity is astounding, I know.

 "Fuzz-Sea" is a gorgeous mix of bright aqua-teal and pistachio green sprinkle... flake... things. Can we just stick with sprinkles? That's what they remind me of and calling them 'fuzz' seems off since they aren't actually textured as such.
Regardless, they're suspended in a clear base so you need to layer this polish over a solid polish (I used Maybelline's Color Show "Go Go Green" this time around) if you want an opaque look. I only needed one coat of "Go Go Green" plus 2-3 coats (depending on the nail) of "Fuzz-Sea" to get the effect I desired.

I thought this looked absolutely stellar and was utterly and completely different from anything else I have coated my nails with (and I have put everything from rhinestones to bows on my nails so it's pretty hard to surprise me nail polish-wise). I couldn't take my eyes off them!! That was until...

... until this beauty begged for some action.
How could I say no to that beautiful peach fiesta in a bottle???

Urban Outfitter's "Hangover" was made for "Peach Fuzz"; seriously, they are the perfect compliment to each other. The Crayola mac-and-cheese orange looks so fresh and fun paired with the yellow sprinkles in "Peach Fuzz" so it really does end up reminding you of a fuzzy peach... or Big Bird, I can't really make up my mind.

I just can't get over how fun these polishes are!! Sure they're a little gloopy and take a few coats to bring the opacity to up to par but if you're willing to put in just a teensy bit of effort you'll have a nail effect that catches everyone's eye.

Have you tried Sally Hansen's new Fuzzy Coat polishes?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What's your favorite 'special effect' nail polish at the moment?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Wow Peach fuzz!!!! I am such a sucker T___T Too bad my work doesn't let us paint our nails.

    1. I know, right??? I'm obviously a sucker for it too haha. And oh no, that's awful!! I honestly can't imagine... even when I worked in the food industry and we weren't allowed to paint our nails I did it anyways because I just couldn't handle naked nails hahaha (rebel right hurr).

  2. I had no idea that Sally Hansen came out with polishes similar to Models Own. They look so fun!


    1. I had no idea either until I walked past the display at Target!! They really are very fun if you want to try them out yourself (there are a few other colors as well!)! :)

  3. hpw cool!
    I've never seen this before
    Is it available in the UK?!

    1. I don't know about this particular range being available in the UK (google it?) but I know that companies like Nails Inc make them :)

  4. I LOVE FUZZ-SEA. I know Nails Inc has a bunch of these out in different colors. I love the effect of the 'sprinkles' and LOL at 'peach fiesta'. They're so cool but I hate how textured they are without top coat. I always pick them off, haha! Great review and I love how you paired them :)

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. I knew you would love Fuzz-Sea Jess!!!!!! And yes, the effect is freaking fantastic I honestly can't stop looking at my nails <3 I wouldn't be able to handle them without a top coat either so thank goodness for a thick coat of Seche Vite to make everything nice and smooth! :D

  5. These are so cute! I saw lone bottle tossed on an empty shelf at my local Target the other day. I felt compelled to save it but resisted because of all the other beauty crap in my basket already. I definitely think I'll have to go back though!

    1. Oh no, you should have saved the poor little darling!! Maybe it's still there though and waiting for your gallant return <3 <3

  6. I did see the 'fuzz' nail polishes at CVS and thought .. no. But both polishes are so cute on your nails! The blue sort of reminds me of Sulley on Monsters Inc. :-)


    1. Hahah thank you Monica!! I probably would have thought the same thing if it hadn't been for the UK blogger posts on similar polishes that I've seen. And YES, Fuzz-Sea absolutely reminds me of Sulley as well!!!! :D What a fantastic movie <3

  7. These look so pretty!

  8. oh dear youve definetly enabled me! picture heavy posts are always welcome by me haha! im your newest follower :)

    1. Yayyyyy I love being an enabler haha! And thank you so much I'm so happy to have you here on my blog ^__^

  9. Haha Big Bird! I'm seeing the connection :) The effect of these do remind me of a fuzzy jumper from afar. I'm a little bit undecided about the whole bar glitter in general, though these aren't glittery per se. I think the colour combinations you did (choosing the base coats) were spot on though!

    1. I agree, they do have a soft and fuzzy effect from afar!! Totally okay that you're undecided though as they are the type of polish that I could see people either loving or hating ;) But thank you I'm glad you liked my pairings! <3

  10. These look so much fun, I have to get my hands on that each colour so cool!

    1. Yes definitely do!! They really are fun and something different to have on your nails :)

  11. these look awesome! haha

    I tried their "sugar" polishes and liked them a lot :)

    Check out my beauty blog:

    1. Yes, I saw the sugar polishes as well but resisted since I already have some liquid sand polishes!! But thanks so much <3

  12. I've never seen these before! I think these are the most interesting out of all the textured nail polishes that have come up recently.


    1. They really are fun and interesting indeed!! Glad you like them <3

  13. They're so different! I'm not sure how I feel about them, I don't think the fuzzy look is amazing, but it's one of those things I just HAVE to try! x

    1. Haha I know right??? It's definitely not something I would call 'beautiful' but they sure are a fun look for the nails! :)

  14. Those are so much fun! I have a glitter topcoat on my polish right now, it just screams summer to me :)

    Jordan | Boho Vanity

    1. I'm a sucker for glitter top coats at any time of the year haha ^__^


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