Wednesday, June 12, 2013

hourglass Veil Mineral Primer SPF 15: Swatches + Review!!

At a whopping $52/oz., it's no surprise that you can see scrape marks on the inside of this bottle; I'm milking this puppy for all it's worth before it woefully goes in the trash (if I can bring myself to do that... I know, I know, I'm pathetic #futurefeatureonhoarders).
I just wanted to put together a pimp worthy review for you all before the mournful day comes because I have loved this primer for all it's worth which, as I said, is a whole heck of a lot.

Take the jump if you want to drool spasm read all about it!

When I first heard about the hourglass Veil Mineral Primer all I kept reading in reviews was that this makes your face feel oh-so soft. This, friends and family, is the BIGGEST UNDERSTATEMENT of the year. No; of ALL the years. It's like saying cheese is good. Cheese isn't good, it's f***ing fantastic.
This primer makes your face feel like the outside of the beautiful bottle: frosted glass. And I don't think I need to tell you that skin that feels like frosted glass is kind of sort of all sorts of amazing (especially for someone like me who has the occasional monster zit and dry patch).

My bottle is the old version (I got this little guy about 1½ or 2 years ago; can I get a WHUT-WHUT for a long-lasting investment??) but all they've changed, as far as I know, is the label on the glass i.e. different font(s), embossing, etc. Otherwise it's still the beautiful frosted glass vial with a sturdy metal pump that releases exactly the amount of primer you should need for full face coverage; a little goes a long way with this primer and this isn't the type of pump that wastes product on you by pushing out too much. 
It's also good to know that if you have a larger/smaller face than 'average' the pump is really forgiving and easily manipulated so you can get out the eensiest amount for a bit more or a bit less than a full pump.

The primer itself is, to me, perfect for multiple reasons. It's slightly thick but has just enough give and wateriness to it that it spreads across the face easily and doesn't clog pores with waxy fillers. It's also color-correcting which seems strange since it's a pretty straight up white when you first pump it out of the bottle. However, once you start massaging it into the skin it turns into the most gorgeous, almost pearlescent, subtle lilac color which is perfect if you need a bit of help covering redness or dark spots.

You can see that once it's fully settled into the skin the lavender color is very slight but enough to create the perfect canvas for your foundation to meld into. Which is another thing I love about the hourglass Veil Mineral Primer; it doesn't sit on top of your skin, nor does it create a barrier between your skin and foundation. Rather it lends the perfect helping hand for foundation to blend into the skin and stay put all day long. It has been the key to my ability to use up my Revlon ColorStay Foundation (which you may or may not remember me LOATHING) by extending the staying power on my face from 4-ish hours to 8 hours no problem.

I honestly can't name faults with the hourglass Veil Mineral Primer. Especially now that Summer has started to heat up, it's the perfect thing to keep your foundation in place and provide your skin with some needed SPF in addition to whatever SPF your foundation has in it (tans aren't worth skin cancer ladies!! I can't stress that enough, especially when we have all the knowledge and tools to prevent it).
It's not often that I say you NEED a high-end (read: expensive) product in your life but, if you've been contemplating this primer or are just on the lookout for an all-around fantastic primer in general, this gem from hourglass is more than worth the investment. It'll last you ages (lasted me years, though you have to keep in mind I don't wear makeup everyday) and will truly change the look and feel of your face. As far as I'm concerned you can't put a price tag on confidence!

Have you tried the hourglass Veil Mineral Primer?
You love it, right!??!?
Have a different primer that you swear by?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. 52 dollars!? Damn, that hurts :( But, I might try to get a sample of this to see if it should go on my christmas list!

    1. Yeah the price is a bit of a shock but well worth it!! I hope you like it if you try it out :)

  2. This sounds fantastic! $52 is alot of money but when you you've had it for a 1 and 1/2 it's a good investment :)


  3. aww another product that I want to try. I've never really tried using a primer before as my BB cream doubles as one. But I think I might give this a go. Thanks for sharing Cassie! Your reviews are always helpful. :)


    1. Ahhh yes BB Creams are supposed to be great without a primer!! But if this sounds like something you might like then I'd say go for it Kathy :) You're always so sweet; I'm glad to do reviews like this for you especially if they're helpful!

  4. I've been looking for a new primer - I have dry skin and sometimes when I'm wearing actual foundation instead of tint. moisturizer I get dry patches. :/

    I'm going to see if I can get a sample of this bad boys!
    Thanks! :)

    1. Oh no, well hopefully you can nab a sample of this because it sounds like something that would work a treat for you!

  5. This primer is included in the Sephora Super Stars kit (along with a full-sized NARS Orgasm blush, full-sized Benefit They're Real mascara, and so on and so forth). I was like, "Whatever, another primer," at first and then I remembered you featured it in your May favourites. So I gave it a try....

    HOLY FREAKIN' MACKEREL. I have never understood why people use primers until now. It's ridiculously amazing. I am savoring every sweet delicious milliliter of the deluxe sample size before I got to Sephora and hand over my credit card. *sigh*

    1. Did I really have this in my May favorites? Oofta my memory's failing me so early in life haha...

      Anyways, YES. This is the primer that will change anyone's mind about primers; I used to think they were useless as well but ohhhhh ho ho no. So glad you love and appreciate this as much as I do <3

  6. Thanks for the review, this looks like a great product.
    ~Pauline @Kallony

  7. They have an $18 travel size I saw today, 1/3 of what's in the $52 bottle, so that's not bad. I'm going to try it. If I love it as much as you do, then I'll buy a big one.

    1. Yes, I've seen the travel size before!! Great way to test it out for yourself :) If you nab it I hope you love it as much as I do… it's seriously amazing.


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