Thursday, June 13, 2013

June '13 Birchbox!

I spent today cleaning up the chaos Galileo left in his wake (he was having a 'man moment' as I like to call them... basically likes to tear apart everything I own and be an utter spaz) and then sobbing in the parking lot at the DMV (it's the DMV, do I need to say more?) so I was more than ecstatic to see my Birchbox wedged into my P.O. box when I got home. 
Seriously, you could have put a chapstick and a Ring Pop in there and I would have been delighted but there are actually a few goodies here I'm excited to try!

Take the jump if you want to see what I got :)

Birchbox recently redid their logo and graphic design work so it was nice to see it this month; from the box to the card, things have changed and I quite like them!! What I love most though is that they included HOW to use each product along with the usual description. It takes the hassle of having to search for instructions online by having it spelt out for you on the card instead.

To go along with their 'wanderlust' theme (which I think spurred from their expansion of headquarters across the globe), Birchbox included a set of postcards with adorable designs for different cities on the front as well as little places to see in each respective location on the back.
They aren't something I'll use since I don't travel but they really are quite cute and, for the post card lovers out there, can see how these would be a nice little treat for some of the Birchbox subscribers out there!

Another product that directly corresponded with the global Birchbox expansion (I feel strange saying that, like they're taking over the world with beautiful makeup witchcraft) is this polish from Color Club! I absolutely love getting these little bottles of polish from Birchbox (I think I've gotten two or three in the past) because the company makes wonderfully formulated polishes as well as some really fun colors; the colors they came up with in this Birchbox collaboration was no exception!
I got the shade "REIGN IN SPAIN" which is a ridiculously vibrant pastel neon (so many contradictions, I know! Your brain would be confused trying to describe this polish in person too) orange-sherbet-coral. I can't wait to slap this on my nails because it's a real stunner and very unique! Perfect for this hot weather we've been having as of late.

I'm not sure if Birchbox was tapping into my mental rants about packaging lately but I was SO pleased to see an actual bottle of shampoo to try!! The matching conditioner wasn't as lucky in the packaging department (another horrible rip-open packet) but oh well... one out of two ain't bad!
The Devines 'Love Smoothing Shampoo and Conditioner' are targeted towards hydrating thirsty locks and smoothing unruly frizz, two things that my hair definitely suffers from in the Summer heat. The shampoo is a really nice size (fills my hand) so hopefully I'll be able to use it enough to see results! It smells lovely (a very grow up fruity-floral) so I'm excited to give this a shot.

I wasn't too jazzed on receiving this Oscar de la Renta 'live in love' Foaming Body Scrub (apparently Birchbox really wants me to feel the love in the shower this month... saucy!!) mainly because it's in a rip-open packet but also because it's something you'd take home from your hotel room after a night's stay. 
Oh well, I'll use it but it's really not something I'm jumping up and down about; I might just use it to shave my legs one of these days since shower gels tend to make my back and arms break out. Viva creative thinking!!

I was SO happy to have received this Youngblood 'Hi-Definition Hydrating Mineral Perfecting Powder' because, while I never hear much about the brand, I've heard enough to know that it's considered some fairly luxury stuff. The fact that this even has a rip-off tab seal on the inside of the pot kind of solidified that this is going to be some fancy s*** once I crack it open for use. 
If you remember my NARS Light Reflecting Setting Powder review, it's no secret that I love a good hi-def translucent powder that controls oil so I can't wait to see how this works on my dewy (read: sweaty) Summer skin!

 Birchbox was obviously feeling the Davines love this month (I really hope I get along with the brand considering I got three things from them in this box!) because they also threw in this 'Absolute Beautifying Potion' (aka hair oil) as an extra. As irritating as it was getting so much from this one brand in my June box, I really am excited to try out this hair oil because my hair has been loving them as of late (aka this year aka when I started using them)!! The packet will be annoying but eh, I guess a girl's gotta deal.

So that's it folks!! 
While this box had a couple of irritating quirks (lots of products from one brand and multiple rip-open packets) it was full of samples that I'm truly excited about trying and are things that I felt were actually aimed at my specific beauty 'needs' according to my info on the Birchbox site; a feeling of personalization makes a huge difference!

Galileo and I are taking the rest of the night easy (he's tired from his morning rampage and I'm tired from... well, the day rage I mentioned in the beginning of this post I suppose); I'm shoving my face with carbs and beer and Galileo is having fun pretending that he's getting sips of beer as well (for some reason he loves the smell and taste of alcohol; he's always licking the rim of my beer bottles when I'm not looking!). Nothing like food and beauty samples to cheer a girl up, huh? :)

What did you think of this month's box?
Anything you're dying to try?
What did you receive (if you're a Birchbox subscriber) that was different from me?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Have a beer for me! Just finished finals and I need a cold one... Unfortunately I have none here :'(

    1. Absolutely dear!! I hope your finals went well (despite your feeling of needing a beer haha... I remember those days) and that you've been relaxing since ^__^

  2. Haha, how did they manage to shove shampoo into a bottle and then everything else came in rippy tabs? IT MAKES NO SENSE. The ColorClub polish looks so purty *_* The one time I ordered a Birchbox I got one, never use it, but it's still a really nice nail polish company to be getting things from! You're making me want to subscribe with Birchbox, but I still can't get passed how bad I'll feel if I get a not so awesome box. I hope carbs and beer make you feel better girl! Snapping that pic of Galileo should have been enough, hahaha! :)

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. LOL I know, right??? Preaching to the choir glittah sistah. And yeah I can understand that feeling... I think that's why I just bite the bullet and pay for a yearly subscription haha; no regrets that I might get a bad box the one time I pay for one! And the reward system they do is just so fantastic I don't mind getting a bad box here and there :) Carbs and beer made me feel MUCH better, thank you and yes that photo of Galileo is pretty priceless (frame worthy? HA).

  3. Looks lovely!! Bottles are good!! Not enough bottles in this world!

  4. I got the Reign in Spain in my birchbox as well. I'm obsessed!! It makes your hands look really tan despite not actually having a tan. Great choice Birchbox, haha! xx

    1. Yes, it really is one of those colors that gives you an insta-tan!! It's gorgeous :)

  5. I laughed so hard at your feel love in the shower line. I wish I had these boxes but alas, none deliver to where I live. :( Your cat is adorable and the moment you captured the last photo is ridiculously cute! xx

    Daphne | Peanut Butter and Chocolate | bloglovin'

    1. So glad I could make you laugh!! ^__^ And yes, Galileo is a ham for the camera... plus like said he loves alcohol so there wasn't much 'quick, get the camera!!' going on hhaha. That's too bad that no boxes deliver to where you live; I guess for now you'll just have to live vicariously through others? :(

  6. these products look really great! that nail varnish is such a lovely colour for spring

    1. I think so too!! Really fresh and invigorating :D

  7. Sorry to hear about your experience at the DMV and stressful day :(

    Your photos of Galileo have seriously almost convinced me that I need to buy a cat.

    I can picture the neon pastel orange of the Color Club polish - I think Revlon Peachy is pretty similar :) The Youngblood powder would be the other exciting item to try in the box for me - I hope it works well for you!

    1. Aw thanks; the day is over though and thankfully I can't imagine the next time I go to the DMV it'll be much worse haha! Get a cat!! They are so loving and quirky (read: hilarious)... I can't imagine my life without Galileo so if you think you have the time and love to share with a cat then definitely invest because it's more than worth it <3 Gushing aside, I just looked up Peachy and it does look quite similar! This one is just much more neon in real life :) And yes, thank you, I hope that powder works well also!! Exciting stuff ^__^

  8. Replies
    1. I have no idea what I did.... but thank you? Haha ^__^

  9. Hey your blog is lovely! I've actually just started my own blog and made my first post today! I hope you don't mind checking it out! it's
    Thankyou! xx

  10. your header with that cat is actually so cuteee

  11. That nail polish is so pretty, I was pretty pleased with my box. I have a birchbox link party going on, come link up your box to share what you got:


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