Sunday, June 16, 2013

NOTD: love & beauty by Forever21 "Rose/Red"

I have no idea why I'm up right now.
I have no reason to be up right now. 

But I am so I'm dealing with it by watching RuPaul's Drag Race in bed (hair in curlers because I'm cute as f***) and writing up a quick NOTD post for you all. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm probably still up because my stomach is making noises akin to a bear fighting a buffalo (is that a thing?) and I'm scared that if I go to bed I'm going to crap my pants while I'm sleeping (again, I'm cute as f*** I know).

I picked up "Rose/Red" (can I just put it out there that Forever21 has THE WORST names for nail polishes? I would have named it "Cute As F***" but... [I'm beating a dead horse I know; can we pretend like it's still funny though?]) from Forever21 last week while shopping on my birthday with Torey. It was in the bins positioned around the checkout line (damn them...) and I was doing well resisting until I saw "Rose/Red" was on sale for $0.99! Into my needy hands it went and onto my naked nails the next day.

"Rose/Red" is such a gorgeous semi-sheer (hence I layered it over one layer of NYC's "Greenwich Village" to make it an opaque fuchsia) rose cream polish with TONS of silver glitter, pearlescent shavings, red hearts, pink hearts, and red confetti packed in. A lot of glitter packed polishes like this one end up needing to be 'fished' in to get glitter on the brush but not with this beauty; in one coat (I put on two coats because I'm greedy and insecure) you'll have a love party on your nails that Cupid would be proud of. 

I got so many compliments on this manicure while I had it on and I can see why! "Rose/Red" is an all-around stunner in the most adorable of ways. I've been loving cream glitter polishes lately but since they're hard to come by this was an absolute steal at Forever21 for only $0.69 (it was marked at $0.99 but rang up at the register for cheaper; happy birthday to me, huh??) and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes stupidly girly nails. The formula was surprisingly wonderful in regards to not being gloopy and is generously packed with plenty of glitter. So, if you've got some extra quarters lying around then I would absolutely head to your nearest Forever21 and nab this polish while it lasts!

Have you tried Forever21 nail polishes before?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What's your favorite glitter polish at the moment?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I seriously think that is a brilliant name polish name! Also, was actually laughing my face off at your line about your stomach noises, I hope you're okay!

    1. Haha I'm glad you like the name I came up with!! And of course I'm glad I could make you laugh; I'm totally fine by the way!! I've always had a weird/easily upset stomach =__=;

  2. That nail polish is sooooo gorgeous! You made me laugh in this post Ms. Cassie! :)

    1. I'm so glad you like it and yaaaaaaay so happy I could make you laugh!! Reading this post now that I'm a bit more awake I can definitely tell I was a little delirious but I guess it worked out just fine XD

  3. Hi, it must be a genetic thing, Cass (I'm sorry!). I had tummy troubles yesterday too...(aren't we the cutest thing ever??)

    1. It really must be genetics... yuck!! But that's okay because your genetics also gave me a lovely face ;) ;) ;)

  4. So cute!! You always have such unique nail polishes!

    1. Haha thanks Analisa!! They're my achilles heel ;)

  5. I was lucky enough to find this today and I came here while googling for swatches... mine was also super-marked-down. I wonder why? It's probably the cutest polish they had in stock. :)

    1. Oh yay I'm so happy you found it/it's still available!! Maybe I should go get a back up bottle hahah it's just so cute and lovely! Hope you love it as much as I do once it's on your nails :D


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