Tuesday, August 20, 2013

CARGO "BALI" Water Resistant Blush: Swatches + Review!

Remember waaaaaaaaaaay back in May when I received this in my Birchbox? Well, regardless of whether you do or don't: I did. It took me awhile to test it out because a.) Summer laziness, and b.) I had a slew of other blushes I was trying out/drooling over.
Excuses aside, I finally got around to test driving CARGO's "BALI" blush this month and I'm ready to share all sorts of makeup feelings with you lovely readers!

Take the jump for the full review and swatches :)

Let me start off by saying: this review is going to be mostly positive... mostly
I hate starting off the review with something negative (I'm more of a 'slap the negative between a compliment sandwich [with cheese, duh]' kind of girl) but, because it's written right across the back of the package and is a part of the name of the blush welllllllll it really can't be avoided.

CARGO claims that this is a "Water Resistant Blush"... hahahahahah no. It's not that I'm walking through waterfalls on the daily but, considering August is Satan's barbeque season, I'd like to say the humidity and sweat constantly bombarding my pores has been enough of a test for this blush. Sad to say it failed; and quite miserably at that! "BALI" stays on my cheeks for a good amount of the day but, when I go to take my makeup off at night, there isn't any blush to take off... it's already gone. 

Apart from the 'water resistance' fail, this blush is all sorts of gorgeous. "BALI" is extremely soft, pigmented, and the perfect pale pink for my skin to give it a naturally blushing glow. The glow definitely comes from the pearly reflux laced throughout this blush; it's very delicate and subtle but enough to give your face a radiance without the use of a highlighter.

I promise I'm not naked in this last photo (you can see a small sliver of my blouse in the bottom left corner)... which is either going to comfort you or sorely disappoint; apologies either way.

Isn't that lovely?? 
So while this definitely isn't a holy grail product or a must-have in my cosmetics stash (the lack of lasting power makes it hard for me to recommend forking out $26.00 for this blush), it definitely has been well loved this past month and proves great for those days when you don't want to look overdone.

Have you tried any CARGO blushes?
What has your experience been?
What's your favorite blush for natural makeup days?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I've never tried a Cargo blush or products, but for a while Cargo Tonga was all the blush rage on youtube.

    Love your lashes .. whatcha got on 'em?

    Monica, www.pear-shaped-gal.com

    1. Ooooo, was it really? I actually haven't heard of that shade; I'll have to take a look at it!! And thanks Monica, I've just got on a couple coats of my tarte "lights, camera, lashes!" mascara on them :)

  2. Haven't tried Cargo, but the shade looks gorgeous on you! What eyeshadow are you wearing?
    My go to blush for natural days right now is Essence "Secret it girl", which is a lovely apricot nude (and super-duper cheap)!

    Jenna ♥ ♥

    1. Thanks so much Jenna!! I'm wearing a few different shades from my theBalm "NUDE 'rude" palette (which I'll hopefully get a review of up soon here on my blog!). And ooo thanks, I'll have to check that out! I'm always up for a cheap thrill :)

  3. They have Cargo in Duane Reade (that place is seriously turning into a Sephora of brands you can't get your hands on, haha) but this is really pretty! It's not a very in your face blush, sort of looks like you're not wearing any, but there's some natural color there which is always a great look :) I got Tarte's Exposed in a Sephora 500 pt perk and I LOVE IT. Didn't think it would look so natural but it does and I want to hug it :D

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. Do they really???? I need to figure out if there's a Duane Reade somewhere close to me because I ALWAYS hear about it hahah. And yes, I kind of love that it looks like I'm not wearing any blush!! I think this does for me what "Exposed" does for most; that one's just not right for my skin tone :/ But whoop, I'm glad it works for you because tarte blushes, as you know, are SO so lovely :D <3

  4. Guuuuurl, you look good! Also, DISAPPOINTMENT because you weren't taking a photo of your face whilst naked :D

    Ahem, I don't think natural type blushes really have a presence in my collection...maybe just one? Which I never wear because it's too natural for me.

    Blindly Beautiful

    1. Shucks, thanks Maria!!! And hahah sorry to disappoint you... you can always pretend ;)

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! Yeah, CARGO is a pretty well known higher end brand but the fact that it's high end can make it a little harder to hear of if you're used to budget buys (nothing wrong with that!)! :)

  6. This looks lovely. So natural. Love your eyecolour as well xx
    Maria xx


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