Thursday, August 22, 2013

NOTD: Illamasqua "Freckle"

This isn't actually on my nails right now but heck I'm hopped up on NyQuil (oh yeahhh gimme some snot free z's) and nothing else matters hahahahhah what am I talking about what is coherency. Is it okay to write blog posts while sick out of your mind? Regardless, this is happening so I hope you all understand and send thoughts of soft kleenex and Sudafed my way.


Let's get on with the nail polish, shall we?

I don't know that you need to read my history with this polish but I figure if I tell you about my health status I may as well tell you about my feelings.
When Illamasqua released their "I'mperfection" line of products at the beginning of this year I wasn't super jazzed with anything... except this polish; leave it to a nail polish fanatic to cry and drool over the latest and greatest the industry is throwing at the beauty community. And if you remember (like I do), Illamasqua was quite literally throwing these polishes at us through PR samples tossed to the oh-so-fortunate big-name beauty blogs. Every time I logged onto blogger (who am I kidding, I've got it on the automatic log in setting because I'm sad and check it every five minutes) I saw a new post gushing about these beautiful bottles of speckled magic. So many wants and needs overcame me and, in a fit of self control that I still to this day cannot comprehend, I resisted placing an order for "Freckle".


That sentence echoed through my soul for the next, oh I don't know, days upon weeks upon months because it sold out. Bam. Done. Never to be in stock again... or so I thought.

I was randomly looking through my shopping list on Sephora's website one boring afternoon (as you do) and, as I scrolled by the long gone but not forgotten Illamasqua polish I noticed... there wasn't an angry red text next to it informing me it was out of stock. "WHAT?????" my soul bellowed in despaired bliss; had Sephora made a terrible error and not emailed me to tell me this was back in stock, or was the internet playing a terrible trick on my heart strings through the exclusion of necessary information?
I didn't care; I whipped this into my shopping cart (as well as a couple other things because I don't allow myself to pay for shipping) and checked out ASAP. The next few hours/days were excruciating because I was sure a message was going to pop into my inbox telling me it was all a sad mistake and the polish wasn't really in stock. 
But LO AND BEHOLD not one shred of lies or deceit was involved with this transaction. 
"Freckle" is now mine... and I couldn't be happier.

The amount of happiness that this polish has brought me is disgusting but overwhelmingly wonderful at the same time. My nails were the talk of the town (well, okay, maybe a few people took the time to comment) for the duration of this manicure and I'm happy to report that their stay was fairly long lived! I've only tried one other Illamasqua nail polish before but thankfully I've found the formula to be consistent; the opacity, longevity, and uniqueness is outstanding and, though my bank account whimpers at the thought, I can see myself purchasing many Illamasqua polishes in the future.
And by the way, Sephora still has this in stock if you thought you missed out like I did ;)

Have you tried any of Illamasqua's "I'mperfection" polishes?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What are your thoughts on speckle nails?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I remember seeing these online a few months and thought OMG they are amazing! You're so lucky having this polish. It's beautiful on your nails! Lovely speckled egg. xxx

    1. They really are super amazing... you've got to get yourself one!! You won't be disappointed ;D

  2. i haven't tried any illamasqua polishes but they all look so wonderful!!!

    1. They're AMAZING Theresa, seriously one of the few high end polishes that's actually worth the price!

  3. Oh, Cassie, I love your nail polish posts!! I've never tried any Illamasqua polishes but this one looks great! Get well soon :) xx

    1. Haha I'm glad you enjoy them ;) And thank you, I hope I get better soon as well!!

  4. I have the Illamasqua lilac speckle polish that I have yet to wear .. so you've reminded me to give it a try ;-)


    1. Wahhhh you've got to paint your nails with it Monica!! Don't let that beaut go to waste ;)

  5. I wasn't really wowed by their I'mperfection collection either, although I have to admit it's probably because I'm a bit timid when it comes to crazy colors and glitter in my makeup (I mean green lipgloss, wha..?). But I'm glad to hear that Illamasqua's polish formula is pretty long-wearing. I've never really considered buying nail polish from anywhere but the drugstore, but I guess there's a first time for everything. I'm sure I'll be looking into some Illamasqua polishes in the future, and I'm so glad you finally got your hands on the one you wanted! It does look pretty cool.

    1. Haha I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one not-so-wowed by the I'mperfection line!! Green lipgloss really is a stretch, even for me (who has been, admittedly, wanting a grape colored lipstick for awhile now). Either way, yes the Illamasqua polishes are truly fantastic and worth the extra ten bucks. I'm not saying you need the whole line but hey if you have the money than why not ;) Glad you enjoyed the post and yes!! Yay for finally getting my hands on this little beaut ^__^

  6. So, I found your blog by searching thrift hauls on youtube. Your recent haul with your friend had me chuckling aloud :) Anywho, your writing made me laugh as well and I'm glad I came across your channel/blog.

    I disturbed my sleeping dogs by laughing at these two statements:
    "my soul bellowed in despaired bliss" & "The amount of happiness that this polish has brought me is disgusting but overwhelmingly wonderful at the same time." Disgusting though?? bahahaha! I love it. ^.^

    I look forward to reading more of your awesome writing :)
    [Apartment 203]

    1. Ohhhhhhh my goodness, you are seriously FAR too kind. Really. Like over the moon while spraying whipped cream in the air kind of kind. Thank you SO much for your sweet words and glittering compliments, they really do keep me motivated and mean the absolute world to me ;__; I'm so happy to have you here both on my blog and YouTube channel and hope that you continue to enjoy your stay for a long time to come!! <3

  7. Oh yes I do remember when these polishes were all the rage when they were originally released - I too saw them pop up on so many blogs! I was tempted by the pink one except I figured it's basically just pink polish and black glitter ... I probably could make something similar myself. You sell the polish so well though, the colour looks perfect on your nails :) Gotta love those happy accidents when you stumble across something that you wanted so much but kind of forgot about or gave up on. It was destiny after all ;)

    1. They really were all the rage... it was annoying haha. And yeah, I could see these polishes being made pretty easily but dang it the novelty of it all was just overwhelming lol!! These kinds of happy accidents really do make the beauty lover in us keep going though so I'm glad you understand that sort of 'destiny' ;)

  8. This looks amazing! I've nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Check it out

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! Very sweet of you ^__^

  9. Drooooooooool, that is some beautiful nail polish. I don't think it would suit my skin tone but it looks lovely on you!

    Hope all is well!

    1. Isn't it gorgeous??? Definitely give it a swatch the next time you go to Sephora just to make sure it'll look good on you or not... it's just too good to pass up if it does suit you after all! :D


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