Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It's hard to believe that I hauled this butter LONDON polish over a year ago now (though it's even crazier to see how tiny Galileo was in those pictures!!) and am just finally getting around to posting a NOTD on it but alas… that's life for you. I'm here with "TOFF" now so let's bask in the glory of the moment rather than the past and be merry together!! A little dramatic for a nail post? I suppose I agree but I love nail polish so darn much that it's actually fairly fitting to do a jig over a pretty polish.

"TOFF" may be the prettiest nail color for fall in the spectrum of purples/plums. It is an extremely opaque (you could definitely get away with just one coat though I did two in these photos because, as always, I'm insecure and need that extra coating) and glossy cream polish in a shade that even my artist brain can't really explain. It's a muted purple, it's a soft plum, it's a pastel grape… but more than anything: it's a beauty.

The one thing that I have to note is that "TOFF" is a chipper. After the first day of wear I had quite a few chips on the tips of most of my nails, though it definitely had to do with the fact that I work retail and all of that buttoning, unbuttoning, hanging, and tugging at plastic hangers probably didn't help things. 
Regardless I think the color is absolutely stunning and worth every touchup and reapplication; it's demure, flirty, and perfectly fit for fall!

Have you ever experienced such sudden chipping with a butter LONDON polish?
What's your favorite shade for fall this year?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. You work retail too? Seriously those jobs are tougher on hands than you think.

    1. Yyyyyyyup, one of the many hats I wear haha. And I know, I was pretty shocked at how hard it is on the nails! :(

  2. This colour is PERFECT!

    New GFC follower :)

    1. Aw thank you on both accounts!! So sweet of you ^__^ <3

  3. Shame that it chips because it's beautiful! x

    1. I know, it's super sad… but I'll deal with it because, like said, it's really freaking pretty haha.

  4. This shade is stunning! I agree that it's the perfect plum color for the season. I've never tried any Butter London polishes because of the price tag, but this definitely looks like it's worth the price. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Isn't it gorgeous???? So far I've had good luck with butter LONDON polishes being worth the price tag; they usually last forever on me. Thankfully the color of this is gorgeous though to make up for the chipping!! :) And of course, I'm always happy to share <3

  5. Ugh, I get major chipping issues with Butter London polishes as well - ESPECIALLY the glitters, they are chip city. Like, chip within hours of application. It's horrendous :S This colour looks perfectly suited for autumn though, it reminds me of a darker/browner OPI Parlez-vous OPI.

    1. Oh no!! This is honestly the first time I've had chipping problems with a butter LONDON polish… sad to hear you have the problem more frequently; these are far too pricey for that! :( And yes, you're right on the color comparison!! Both are lovely <3

  6. Never tried this brand actually, really tempted to!!

    Emma from

    1. It's a great brand!! Lovely color range and formula overall <3

  7. I'm not a fan of the Butter London formula .. I think they have beautiful colors, but as you say .. it just doesn't wear well for the cost.


    1. Aw that's too bad you feel that way Monica!! Though I suppose it's better for your wallet haha. I've only experience a 'bad' formula with this particular shade so overall I truly love butter LONDON ^__^

  8. This colour is gorgeous. I've been tempted to try Butter London but am a little disheartened by the length I've heard it stays (or doesn't stay) on for. Ahh, to splurge or not to splurge, that is the question. (That is the question, right?)
    Lovely blog! I've followed you & would love to hear your thoughts on mine!

    Storm @

    1. Definitely give at least one butter LONDON polish a try!! Like said I've only experienced chipping problems with this particular shade so keep in mind they're not all bad <3 Plus the colors and ease of application make it worth it in my eyes haha. And thank you so so much!!! You're so sweet, I'll absolutely stop by your blog and say hello :)


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