Thursday, December 12, 2013

December '13 Birchbox!

Ughhhhhh I don't know you guys… if Birchbox wants me to subscribe again next year they really need to step up their game. It kills me to say that because I used to look forward to my boxes each month (though admittedly I still love the concept and their rewards/points program) but as of late they've been seeming like more of an afterthought.

Heck, it even seemed like the girls at Birchbox were less than excited about this month's box; their usual greeting side of the card is packed to the edges with text but this one barely even took up a third of the space. Happy holidays, huh? Which is exactly why I was a little more bothered by this box that I normally would be. If this were any other month I'd probably think it was a decent spread but, considering December is the month of festivities and giving, I felt this box was sorely lacking. Nothing had to do with the holidays when that could have been easily done: throw some tinsel in the box, make the treat peppermint flavored (I mean seriously… a fortune cookie? What in the actual f*ck???), include one of your usual little blue boxes inside of the box but have a ribbon around it like a gift, etc. 
Seriously, I don't even have a degree in marketing but I could have done leaps and bounds beyond what your current staff did.

Rant aside ('tis the season, amiright? Working in customer service all my life I can give you the answer: I'm right), let's take a closer look at the contents of my Birchbox this month shall we?

I was super confused as to what this was at first and, upon figuring out, I thought it was an alright little gift. My phone doesn't really have problems with getting dirty (and if it does, then wiping it off on my shirt real quick does the trick) but I might stick this on my camera to spot clean the lens if I deem it soft enough.

Getting a body lotion is usually less than thrilling but, since Winter is finally becoming a thing (I can't wait until the snow starts to finally stick to the ground!), it's always good to have a travel size lotion to throw into your bag. Not to mention the smell of this stuff is DIVINE. If you've ever smelt the fresh Sugar Lip Treatments or the fresh Brown Sugar EDP then you can get a good idea of what this smells like (just imagine it with a bit more of a lemon tartness to it). For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of dousing yourself in fresh goodness, just imagine a creamy, sugary, lemon concoction most likely sprayed by the gallon at the gates of heaven; it's one of those smells that makes you feel like you've cheated on a diet even though you haven't ingested carbs or sugar in weeks. 

Another product that would be sure to send any health freaks into anaphylactic shock is this oh-mah-gah-is-this-edible-because-even-if-it-isn't-I-might-eat-it-anyways body scrub. At least I'm assuming it's a body scrub because the card really didn't specify but it seems far too harsh to use on the face, not to mention dangerous because if it's that near my mouth I might 'accidentally' lick my lips/fingers/the jar… haha you think I'm kidding. 
I was a little skeeved out by the packaging, I'll be honest; the little jar wasn't labeled so for all I knew there were boogers in there and the 'safety seal' popped off when the lid screwed off. If I weren't the pretty much exact opposite of a germaphobe (I mean don't get me wrong, if you poo on my hand then I'm going to wash it off but I don't feel the need to use hand sanitizer after I tie my shoes) then I probably wouldn't be able to use this but I'm not too bothered. I'll probably be using this on my elbows and knees to get that extra dry skin off!

Seeing this bottle from Number 4 was exciting for me since looooooong ago I received a detangling spray from the brand and ended up falling in love with it. This has the exact same watered-down-mixed-alcoholic-beverage-with-a-hint-of-yuck smell that the other Number 4 product had but I was able to get over it then so I know I'll be able to handle it again. I spritzed some of this in my hair today and I must say, as of right now, I'm impressed; the spray is fine and even, the hold is firm without being crunchy, and overall I'm just kind of excited to try out a non aerosol hair spray.

Not sure I have too much to say here… it's a lip gloss in a very generic rosy pink color with subtle shimmer. It's got a much thicker formula upon coming out of the tube but smooths out to a very thin and almost watery texture. The pigmentation looks good against my skin but I've got a feeling it's going to be a MLBB shade once on my lips which I guess is the time that I should mention I might not be able to. Scent-wise, this isn't completely offensive but it's not pleasant either. It's like a weird Play-Doh and mint smell that just doesn't sit right with me but I guess time will tell!

Do I really need to say anything about a chocolate covered fortune cookie? I mean… it's a chocolate covered fortune cookie; it tasted like a chocolate covered fortune cookie. All I really have to ask is: when did fortune cookies become compliment cookies? I miss the days when they actually had fortunes inside.


Alright ladies, that's it for this month!! 
I think I've ranted and blabbed enough for one post so I guess I'll leave the rest up to you!

What did you all think of this month's 'festive' Birchbox?
Would you have been as let down as I was?
Did you get anything that actually screamed the holidays in your box this month?
See anything you want to try yourself?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Eh, how disappointing. Even I was "meh" seeing the products/packaging here.

  2. I only subscribed to Birchbox UK last month because I loved the items in the box for November, but I got my December box today and was GUTTED. I received the hairspray and body lotion along with a rubbish perfume sample, the smallest lip tint I've ever seen and a piece of elastic that they called a hair tie (see Instagram picture here). I think I'll hold out for another month but if it's just as bad I think I'll be cancelling.

    I really wanted to see more festive goodies!

    1. Ughhhhhh I'm sorry to hear that even the UK version was bad this month Amy!! I've got my subscription through some point early next year but, like said, if they don't step up their game real soon then I'm definitely not going to be subscribing for another year :( Such a shame!!

  3. Don't worry I feel the same way! In my post about my birchbox I pointed out how they give me the same exact color dumb hair tie as my march birchbox. How annoying!!

    I also want birchbox to hire me! I would love to work for them even if I was a tad annoyed with my box this month!

    1. Nooooo I'm so sorry to hear that this month was apparently a let down for everyone this month :( Working for Birchbox probably would be fun but I can't really see it being a 'forever' job haha.

  4. What a blah box. It would make me unsubscribe. And what's up with the sketchy black pot scrub lol xx

    1. Hahah I'm glad that I'm not the only one who found it super sketchy!!!!

  5. I really loved how honest you where in this, I could hear you talking! I did really want to get a monthly box but I'm really not hearing great things about them anymore, it seems the more money they get, the more they want to save by sending out things that no one really wants!

    Cornelia - Ineffable Beauty

    1. Hahah I'm glad you enjoyed my honesty!! Sometimes I'm afraid it'll put people off but, in the end, I can't bear to lie about this stuff and make people waste their money because of it. But yeah, overall I think the boxes were a fad thing and it seems like now they either think they can get away with giving away lousy stuff or else cosmetics companies just don't see the promise in them anymore and don't give them the samples :/

  6. They didn't even do a pretty box? Aw man. I was really looking forward to a glitzy box like last December's. Which I didn't get because my first one was in January. Is it silly to feel cheated? Just kidding...sort of:)

    1. Nope, the box looked like normal except it had some writing about sparkle and shine or something on the front… nothing exciting enough for me to photograph haha. And you can absolutely feel cheated, I won't blame you there ;)

  7. they are always on and off. I was super dissapointed of birchbox. willl never subscribe again!

    1. Yeah, I'm just sad that they seem to be more off than on the past few months :( They've got to step up their game if they want to keep customers!!

  8. I never warmed to subscription boxes but this one just seemed so 'meh'. I totally agree with you that they should've made this box extra special being a Christmas one! I guess the effort and/or resources aren't there. I've really only seen a handful of boxes on blogs throughout the year that I think were worth the money and had exciting items in them - but I guess part of the excitement of these boxes is the uncertainty about what you will be receiving.

    1. Yeah, I've got a feeling subscription boxes were a 'fad' so they're not getting samples from good companies much anymore. Such a shame!! I've always loved the surprises from month to month but it's hard to get excited when multiple months in a row have been so disappointing and meh :/

  9. Just stumbled upon your blog and am loving it! Haven't received my Birchbox this month yet, but hoping it is at least mildly impressive (as I'm thinking about unsubscribing, too - Ipsy is just so much better!)


    1. Aw thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog :) Hopefully you get a better Birchbox than I did… I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!

  10. Ugh, I am canceling after this month. I said to myself for months if the next one isnt great im canceling! Well it got better for a few months and now after this, I am done. I think of the almost $100 I've given them so far and all the garbage I have to show for it and I am sad with myself. My box had a a mint flavored chocolate covered pretzel (small and weird) a sample pack of face wash and lotion, the 4 hair spray,some greasy petroleum jelly hand lotion and the cell phone thing.

    1. I know, when you think of it that way… it's hard to part with Birchbox but I'm thinking about it :( Sad to hear you had a bad box as well!!


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