Thursday, March 20, 2014

NOTD: NYC "Lincoln Center" + Studs

Remember in my last post how I said I was behind on my blog posts? Maybe? Maybe (probably) not? 
Well, case in point: this manicure. It was the one I was sporting in my Best & Worst of Beauty video for February… which means these pictures are from almost a month ago. 
We can all look past that though, right? Because this manicure was pretty important.

All it took to make these studded nails was one of my favorite nail polishes, some small beads, and quite a bit of patience (or, if you're me, a strong commitment to stupidly blinged out nails). I can't even begin to tell you how much I love NYC's "Lincoln Center"; it's honest-to-goodness one of my favorite polishes that I own. The deep blood burgundy color is sultry, pretty, and sophisticated all at once but to up the ante I decided some studs were in order. 
Granted, I honestly have no idea what to call these little gold balls that I own/used. They're just very small beads/balls/spheres (help me out here) but when pushed into nail polish I think they look quite stud-like. I nabbed them on eBay for $0.99 (or something equally as heinously fantastic) from a nail art seller that doesn't charge for shipping and think they add a definite statement to an otherwise 'normal' manicure.

 I was shocked at how long this manicure lasted… it was something like 5 or 6 days before a couple of the studs started chipping off at work (darn clothes hangers). Not sure why or how it lasted that long since I'm using up a terrible top coat at the moment; I'm chalking it up to the nail gods taking notice of my efforts and making sure the magic lasted for as many people to gawk at as possible. 
So many people grabbed my hands (yes, they literally took them in their own) while I was working at the cash register and asked about my nails when I had this manicure on! At first I was thoroughly upset at my personal bubble being so blatantly popped but eventually I felt the flattery and love seeping in… a bit like taking shots of Captain.

Have you ever tried 'studding' your nails?
Love the look? Too much work for you?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. this looks really cool, the studs kind of remind me of a a good way, and the colour is beautiful :)

    1. Haha that's awesome thank you so much! Glad you like the manicure ^__^

  2. Love the studded look! But it is too much work for me personally lol

    1. Thank you so much! And yeah I could imagine some people wouldn't have the patience for it haha :)

  3. this looks amazing! awesome job :D

    1. Thanks so much Diana, I'm so glad you like it!! <3

  4. Omggggggg that looks SOOO BAD ASSSS! You such a stud.... XD seriously though, pretty ingenious idea! <3

    1. Haha thank you April! So glad you like the manicure and think I'm studly ;)

  5. Caviar beads. But goodness, that looks like it'd stain.

    1. Yes that's it thank you! And nope, no staining at all; I use a good base coat to prevent that :)

  6. sooo pretty! I am so impressed with that shade! I've never checked out the NYC polishes, but I'm making a mental note to check them out the next time I'm at the drugstore!

    1. Most of the NYC colors are just 'meh' in my eyes but there are a few stunners in there (I have a few that I swear by and love!) so definitely look through them!! Plus they're super cheap so that always helps haha :D

  7. Really fun look! I love the studs on your accent nail. I also love this line of nail polish ~ easy to apply, drys fairly quickly and wears well.


    1. Thank you so much Monica I'm glad you like the studs and whatnot ^__^ Also happy to hear you know about and love the NYC polishes as well!! They're seriously SO good, especially for the price.

  8. Amazing! I love studs, I'm going to steal this look from you for sure! So rock'n'roll! <3 <3 <3

    1. Definitely do it, it's so much fun to have on your nails!! <3

  9. So you just push them into the freshly applied/still wet polish and they kind of 'sink' in? It looks really meticulously done and is such a great accent nail. Pairs so well with the burgundy/oxblood colour. And loving the new profile pic on your sidebar!

    1. Yup that's all it is! Then you just put a top coat over them all to seal it in :) I'm so glad you like the manicure and whatnot though that makes me so happy! As well as the compliment on my side picture… shucks! <3

  10. I LOVE the look, though I think I'm gonna have to block out a whole afternoon for this. Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. Haha it definitely does take some time but you can do it!! I'm glad you like the look :)

  11. This is so pretty, I love the maroon color with gold combo!

    Jordan | Boho Vanity

    1. Thank you Jordan I'm glad you like the combination!!

  12. I'm not a fan of the pointy studs on the nails but OMGGG the round balls look so good <3 <3

    1. Isn't it cute?? When I first saw it on Pinterest a year or so ago I KNEW I had to do it eventually <3


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