Tuesday, April 29, 2014

NOTD: Urban Outfitters "CREAMSICLE"

Today is a sad day you guys… today is the day I report that I finally found an Urban Outfitters polish that is just plain fugly. And I know, I know, you're probably thinking "well why the heck did you buy it in the first place then?" A perfectly good question my friends! 
There were a few factors involved here: 
a.) my good track record with Urban Outfitter's polishes (I own and adore 6+ of them), 
b.) the classic 2 for $8 deal (I just can't resist a pretty polish for only $4), and 
c.) the fact that this polish looks completely different on Urban Outfitter's website

"CREAMSICLE" looked so pastel! So pale! So pretty! Yet in person it's nothing more than a gloopy neon pile of puke much more suited to belonging in the toilet than on the nails.

If you've ever tried to photograph something neon then you know how impossible it can be (is). So please trust that "CREAMSICLE" is one of the brightest sherbet oranges imaginable. Truly, it is beyond putrid and obnoxious; it's the kind of neon that is able to penetrate the night and glow in the dark. No need to stumble your way to the toilet at 3 A.M., just let these nails guide you! Careful though… your eyes may be tricked into thinking they're seeing the sun and make it impossible for you to fall back asleep.

Not only was I deceived by the base color of this polish, I was also tricked in terms of the assortment of speckle colors mixed within. Online it looked like a mixture of predominantly red and lavender flecks but in real life… well… I was overwhelmed with the amount of deep blues and teals I was seeing. This was not the pastel splattering I was expecting and it only got worse on the nail.

"CREAMSICLE" is a hot mess in a bottle. The formula is thick and gloopy and the only glitter specks that show up are the blue/teal ones. It's not a cute color combo and blinding in all the wrong ways. I could only handle having this on my nails for a day before ripping it off in a sheer rage. 
To remedy this I quickly slapped on one of my favorite Urban Outfitters polishes and now I thankfully feel all better again. Nail polish stress is the last thing I need at the end of a hectic semester!

What do you think of Urban Outfitter's "CREAMSICLE"?
Love it? Hate it?
Have you ever painted your nails a color that you just can't stand?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. love it, cool color!!! :)


  2. That's fairly mank I have to say :( It's looks ok in the bottle but jesus on the nail it's awful! I've had my fair share of nail polish disasters now in fairness (I think it comes part and parcel with blogging) One of the worst was from an Indie brand. It looked so nice in the bottle but on the nail it was god awful. The glitters curled and it just looked terrible.

    1. Hahaha yeahhhhh it's really not a pretty polish. I do agree with you about awful polishes (and products in general) definitely comes with blogging! It's always such a shame when something looks lovely in the package but then turns horrendous on your nails/face :(

  3. Well that sucks! I do love that shade of orange though. What a shame.

    1. I know, it just wasn't a good combo :( I would have liked the color of orange if it wasn't so freaking neon in real life… it was one of those neons that just made your stomach curdle.

  4. Fugly as _ a spotty Creamsicle (aw it has such a good name). On my screen it does appear pastel-like with underlying mouldy green flecks of hexagon un-sparkly sparkle (?). A good Halloween polish maybe? I've had my fair share of polish duds alas great expectations do fall short from reality ... thanks for letting us know - you've taken one for the team (blogging world) so don't be downhearted (too much) ;)

    1. Totally agree with you haha! And yeah the neon really doesn't pick up on camera… but I think that's a good thing since it makes your eyes burn in real life XD Always happy to take one for the team lol <3

  5. I hear you about UO nail polishes, I always have stop myself whenever I'm in one of the stores.
    I don't mind the color, but when you say "creamsicle" I picture something else! And those glitter chunks do not look good in it, blegh.

    1. Yeah the nail polishes are seriously dangerous at UO… I just can't resist!! They're SUCH a good deal and pretty 'ta boot. This one was a bummer though for sure :(

  6. I love the colour of this polish but it does look so thick and gloopy! X

    Bec | Bec & Beauty

  7. Hmm, that color is interesting.
    I like the peachy color, but the glitter thrown in there looks very strange. Haha.
    I need to find an Urban Outfitters near me (somewhere in MA), I REALLY want to try out their polishes!

    1. Haha interesting is one way to put it XD And yes, definitely find one!! I never really go to them in person since their online site is convenient enough for me but I wish you luck in obtaining some of their polishes :)

  8. Ha, I actually have this on my toes right now! I bought mine online too along with the lavender one (Violet Sugar) and was more pleased with Creamsicle. VS was kinda watery and sheer. When I placed the order I thought i'd like VS better, but turned out the other way around.

    1. Haha that's okay I'm glad someone likes it!! I think we all have at least one product that no one but us enjoys lol ;) Sorry to hear that Violet Sugar turned out crappy though, I haven't taken a look at that one before!

  9. Lol! I know the feeling of utter disgust. I don't think it's tooooo bad but I can definitely see why you were disappointed especially if you were expecting a beautiful pastel with lovely pastel glitter :p

    1. Hahaha yeah it was just… completely not what I was expecting, to say the least.

  10. It's nearly six am, I have an essay due tomorrow *today* and I'm only 3 pages in and I may be slightly delirious because I laughed for a good five minutes at "gloopy neon pile of puke". Thank you!

    1. Hahah yayyyyyyy I'm glad to provide you with five minutes of laughs… even though, admittedly, that sentence wasn't TOO funny hahah XD I know how that is though so no worries. I hope your essay went well girl!! I'm sure you killed it :)

  11. Eww Luckily I have never had that issue when purchasing polishes online before. Okay maybe they did look a little different to the pictures, but no ugly ones yet. I have a nice pastel yellow one from nostalgic nail lacquers and it does look nice, so i can see why you wanted to get this one.

    1. That's good Natalie I'm glad you haven't run into this problem before!! It's always such a bummer when stores present products differently online (e.l.f. is notorious for it) :/


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