Wednesday, May 14, 2014

mally Volumizing Mascara: Swatches + Review!

I'm trying to get this post written before my meds start to really kick in; please bear with me as I drift in and out of a numbed stupor. I may be slightly incoherent but my pneumonia lung sure will be happy!

Anyways, I can't believe I'm just getting around to using this mascara from my September '13 Birchbox (oh who am I kidding… with a whole dresser drawer and multiple counter tops devoted to makeup hoarding storage it's a wonder I ever get around to some of my stash) but hey-ho here we are! Unfortunately my feelings for the actual mascara aren't quite as enthusiastic as my initial excitement in trying it out.

The mally Volumizing Mascara is an extremely wet mascara… aka my least favorite kind of mascara. It makes application extremely messy (getting all over the skin around the lashes) and causes the need to be cautious while blinkingor, god forbid, sneezingduring the dry down. I do have to give credit where it's due though and say that this is, surprisingly, one of the most lightweight mascaras I've ever used. Usually wet mascaras cause my lashes to droop and feel quite heavy but, like said, that's just not the case with this one from mally. It holds a curl and really does open up your eyes by making your lashes look lifted.

So I'm torn; I actually really like the way the mally Volumizing Mascara looks on my lashes but, at the same time, I abhor how wet the formula is. It's messy, can be a bit clumpy upon application, and just isn't fun to work with. Ugh. A definite love/hate relationship for sure. 
Oh well. I've got a feeling this is going to be one of those mascaras that gets better with time but, as I've said many times before, I just don't think you should have to wait for a mascara to dry up in the tube in order for you to enjoy it. Especially not when it's costing you a pretty twenty out of your wallet to take it home with you in the first place. You could get some pizza and cinnastix from Dominos instead and be happy now and the next few days (leftovers ftw) to come!

Have you tried the mally Volumizing Mascara? 
Love it? Hate it?
What mascara are you using at the moment?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I don't like wet mascaras either but this one looks really good on you!

    1. Agreed on both points Nesita!! Such a shame this is such a wet formula :(

  2. I hate wet mascaras, too. I kinda feel like they're more prone to smudging, though almost everything smudges on me if it's not waterproof and if I'm not being extra mindful of what I'm doing. I think the mascara looks good though! I'm currently using Maybelline's the Falsies Flared waterproof, it's the only one that can handle my smudge-prone eye area haha.

    xx becky /

    1. It's true I find them more prone to smudging as well!! And normally I NEED waterproof as well but this one is surprisingly okay in terms of holding up through my tears (ah, watery eye girl problems). I remember really liking the Maybelline Falsies Flared mascara… good choice! :D

  3. I haven't tried this mascara, but love the way it looks on your lashes!


    1. Thanks so much Monica, I really like the way it looks too!! :)

  4. This looks really great on your lashes but I know what you mean about wet formulas - I hate that! x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

    1. Thanks Evelyn!! And yup, they're no fun to work with :(

  5. I have not tried this product as of yet, but would like to try it. My old stand by is the Colossal Volume Express in waterproof by Maybelline.

    1. Definitely give it a try if you want and can! Other than the really wet formula I think it's great :) I haven't tried that one from Maybelline, I'll have to look into it so thanks Kate!!


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