Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Makeup Collection | Vanity Tour (LIPSTICK, PERFUME, ORGANIZATION, ETC.)

Ever been curious to have a nosy around my vanity aka the place where I stockpile all of my beauty items? Well then you're in luck because I just recently posted a video giving a tour of the space on my YouTube channel
Super exciting; super long; super embarrassing. 
While I know my collection is modest compared to some of the big beauty names out on YouTube, it's definitely also not a 'normal' amount of makeup to own (hoard) either. But oh well… that's life I guess! We've all got our vices and makeup/beauty items happens to be mine. If you haven't seen the video yet and you'd like to then feel free to have a gander. If you do, as always, I hope you enjoy~

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Wow, you do have a good selection of makeup! Love the jewelry box that you found at Goodwill..what a find! The little white bunny, with the flowers...so cute. I have no Mac Lipsticks...I know, shocking. What two would you say are a must, for someone that has none? Thanks for the show and tell.

    1. Thanks so much Kate!! I love those two items from Goodwill as well… that bunny is so darling; charmers! <3 And gahhhhhhh none at all??? Shoot well you definitely need Plumful because it's my everything. And then the other one? Hmmm I'll say Crosswires just because it's a super fun shade that I think would look good on a lot of people :)


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