Monday, September 8, 2014

NOTD: Forever21 "Purple Confetti"

Welp, it's officially every student's least favorite time of the year: time to get back to the daily grind; back to the cornucopia of emotions occupying your every orifice 24/7; back to self-deprecation at its finest; time to go back to school. And, in true-to-Cassie-fashion, I'm clearly back at it… didn't I just proclaim that I was going to get back into regular blogging? Wasn't my last 'real' post a week ago now? Aren't I always saying how tiresome I am for only posting about freaking nail polish??? 

I'm so annoyed with myself. 
I'm also tired (even though we're only a week into the new semester; yikes).

Let's look at the pretty polish to make ourselves feel better, shall we?

I've said it a million times before and I'll say it a million times again: Forever21 makes, quite possibly, the best milky glitter polishes out there. And for only $2.80 a bottle? SOLD. I am such a happy customer (and have the cutest looking nails 'ta boot).
"Purple Confetti" is a gorgeously muted lavender cream with baby pink, blue, and silver glitter laced throughout. In terms of the 'too much glitter'/'not enough glitter' spectrum I'd say this polish leans a little on the glitter heavy side but, let's be honest, I'm the last person to complain about a bit of extra sparkle. When you put two or three layers of the polish on your nails it gives a good illusion of depth and really creates a nice contrast between the milky lavender base and sometimes-matte-sometimes-sparkly pieces of glitter (depending on how buried in polish they are [or aren't]).

Overall: it's love. I just can't get over how endearing the glitter polishes from Forever21 are. "Purple Confetti" is particularly whimsical and makes all of the bad-back-to-school-feelings seem a bit less potent.
If you haven't seen the plethora of other milky glitters from Forever21 I've reviewed then feel free to take a gander hereor herehere tooand here's another one for good measure!

What are your favorite milky glitter polishes?
Are you in school at the moment?
How's the new semester treating you?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I just bought this this weekend! You inspired me with your last posts... I can't wait to try it out!

    xo Brianna | Glazed Over

    1. Oh yay I'm so glad to hear that Brianna!! I hope you love it as much as I do :D

  2. I just tried out "Too dimensional" nail polish by loreal and it's a dark purple crusted glitter. It's lovely on the nails, but I didn't know it was a textured polish to ugh, I kinda hate it .. lol.


    1. Haha oh no Monica!! Maybe a super shiny top coat will fix it? :)

  3. I don't know if you ever have, but could you do a nail care video? I have recently started a job that I am allowed to wear nail polish at but my cuticles look like crap! Yours are so nice, how do you do it?!! Love your videos!!

    1. I totally would Jenn but I honestly don't do anything to my cuticles!! I guess I'm just lucky, I'm sorry :(


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