Thursday, January 15, 2015

NOTD: Sparkling Nude (H&M Nail Polish + Glitter Kit)

I really don't know what it is about this manicure but I adore it. Lahve it even. The fact that I kept it on my nails for more than a week (yes, viva my Revlon ColorStay Gel-Smooth Base Coat + Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat combo) speaks volumes; the fact that I used the spelling "lahve" speaks even louder.

This nude glitter mani was a team effort; three may be a crowd but hot damn can they work well together if the chemistry's there. Whether it's because all of the polishes are from H&Ma clothing-based company which never ceases to amaze me with their awesome cosmeticsor if I'm just really freaking good at combining different glitters (guffaw) but, regardless of reasoning, this trio really works.

If you watched my "What I Got For Christmas 2014" video then you would have seen this little "nail polish + glitter" kit during the segment of gifts I received from my aunt/godmother. As I said before, I really have liked every single piece of makeup I've bought from H&M over the years (granted it hasn't been a ton, buuuut…) so I was pretty excited to see this in the bag of goodies she sent to me! Especially so because I had purchased a polish from H&M nearly identical to the one included in this kit a few years back, adored it for all of its perfection in polish form, and then came to find that they don't make that color anymore. WHY companies discontinue gorgeous and perfect products is beyond me but thankfully the polish in this kit is a near dupe; hooray! So happy to have it back in my stupidly large nail polish arsenal. 
The other part of this kit is a little shaker of glitter. I felt like this inclusion was kind of gimmicky and quite possibly more for the younger crowd that surely shops at H&M but hey: I will never allow myself to be too old for glitter. Especially in my makeup. And while the glitter really is nothing different from the stuff you can buy in packets for pennies at your local craft store, the shaker is kind-of-sort-of-all-sorts-of-phenomenal. It doesn't dump the glitter out but rather does the perfect dusting on each nail with a couple of gentle shakes.

Unfortunately my nails just didn't feel 'finished' with the mere dusting copper glitter included in the kit; more glitter was needed and I knew exactly what to turn to to get the job done. Enter H&M's glitter top coat "Confetti time". I've actually featured this polish in a manicure I did a long while back but I feel like I don't blog about it as much as I sport it on my nails. It's just one of those classic mixes of different sizes and colors of glitterspinks, blues, and golds, all in various round shapes and sizes, they're all there. Super fun to have layered on top of pretty much any base color of polish!

Shabam!! Like I said before: lahve it. 
The combination of a nude base and a sprinkling of glitter just works. It's not too in your face yet manages to catch the light enough to dazzle passerby's eyes. Not to mention the fact that it goes with any outfit you could imagine. Decided on creams and neutrals? Nice. Nothing but vibrant colors in your ensemble? Classy. Wearing all black (aka my outfit of choice)? Perfection.

Have you tried any nail polishes from H&M?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What has been your current manicure go-to at the moment?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. This is a really cute idea. I stick with stamping mainly, but I might have to give this a try one day. I usually don't even wear neutral shades that much.

  2. As my nails have finally recovered from whatever had them in a snit (I think I just let them get to dry and then took a break from fussing) I've started buying polish again. Ay carumba, it was easier (cheaper!) back when it was just creams or frosts and they only came in white, peach, pink or red. If you got very damn lucky, you might find something leaning slightly lavender. Yes, I'm that damn old. Have you ever tried any Zoya? My favorite mainstream polish brand. And they have sales so frequently that I don't think I have ever paid full price. Christmas they had buy 3, get 3 free with free shipping. $5 each. They wear like iron for me (which OPI does not) and they have the most gorgeous trademark flaky, gold shimmer. Many have tried to copy it, but none have succeeded yet. I think you'd love some of their nude and neutral colors too. Anyway, enough babble, and please don't feel any need to reply.

  3. I keep things very equal opportunity with my np, I like to go from brights, to neutrals, to darks, in-between and back around again. Sometimes though, I do get stuck for a couple of wks choosing similar shades (I do my nails once a wk.) I've been slacking bc I did my last mani 1and 1/2 wks ago (the horror!!!) I totally fell in love with the combo so much that I feel like taking the remnants off and doing it again (something I never do.) I used Revlon colorstay in Cool Beige, then on pinky and ring fingers over CB I layered 1 coat of Sally Hansen Gem Crush in Big Money, followed by a coat of SH Diamond Strength in White Veil and I've been soooo in LOVE with it!!! Neutrals and glitters are a perfect pairing, classy and understated, yet with a bling-bling POW that says hey...not too understated.


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