Sunday, January 18, 2015

The "Mother Daughter Tag!"

Need something to watch? Might I suggest the video I just uploaded on my YouTube channel?? It's a fun one and something quite a bit different than the norm… my mom is in it! I know I talk about her a lot in my videos so, since she just spent the last week here in Boston with me, we figured we'd film the "Mother Daughter Tag" one day for fun. And oh my goodness, fun it was!! 
To say my mom is a gorgeous lady (both inside and out) is basically the understatement of the century; I'm so lucky to have her as my mom :)

xoxo - Cassie (and Becky [her lovely mom])

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much! It reminds me so much of my mom and I! So cute and so funny! <3


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