Monday, February 2, 2015

L'Oréal Infallible Eye Shadow "Liquid Diamond": Swatches + Review!

Ahhh~ it's been a long while since I've been quite this obsessed with a makeup product. Especially an eye shadow; I mean, I love a good eyeshadow palette and everything but honestly I feel like if you own two palettes you own all the eye shadow you'll ever need. It takes a lot of oomph these days to get my gears grinding over 'yet another' eye shadow but goodness gracious this one does it for me. 
Take the jump to see why it has me all sorts of hot and bothered!!

If any of you have stuck with my blog from the very beginning, first off: thank-you-so-much-I-wish-I-could-bake-and-send-each-of-you-a-cake-with-extra-rainbow-colored-cat-shaped-sprinkles, and second: you may (or more likely may not) remember when I originally reviewed a couple of these shadows and wasn't so jazzed about them. So what makes "Liquid Diamond" so special? 
I'm going to be real annoying here and say I don't know.

In terms of formula this one really isn't that different from "Iced Latte" and "Endless Pearl" (the original two shades I reviewed when these shadows were an extra hot and coveted product in the beauty community). These are very creamy loose pigments that are intended to perform as highly opaque eyeshadows. However, if you use a brush then you will be oh-so-sorely disappointed; for whatever stupid reason, any kind of a brush just does not seem to pick up these pigments whichto meis pretty essential in terms of me ever reaching to use an eyeshadow, much less an individual eyeshadow. I would just so much rather grab a palette, have every color I'll need in my hands, and be able to paint the shadows on my eyes like I would oils on canvas. With these stupid Infallible Eye Shadows from L'Oréal though you have to use your finger. 

I've always been one to hate getting my hands dirty (kind of hilarious coming from an artist but it's just the way I've always beenas a kid I used to hate playing on school playgrounds because of the dust on the gravel that would stick to your skin and clothes) but oh man is "Liquid Diamond" worth it. The insane amount of pigmentation you get from doing just one tiny swirl of your finger in this pot is pretty freaking magical. Not to mention the color is all sorts of drop dead gorgeous.

(Left swatch with finger / Right swatch with brush)

"Liquid Diamond" is one of those shifty colors that's hard to capture on camera, hence I included two different shots of it above. It's a beautiful mixture of lavender, taupe, and silver which looks absolutely stunning on the eyes. I feel like it's one of those colors that would work with any eye color, pulling out warm chestnut or aqua hues especially, and really compliment a ton of different complexions as well. Surprisingly enough, once on the lid "Liquid Diamond" looks quite natural and not at all garish like many lavenders can tend towards.

Ah~ "Liquid Diamond"… I've said it before and I'll say it again: you're a real stunner. 

I'm so beyond grateful to one of my lovely viewers on my YouTube channel, Karen, who sent this eyeshadow (and a bunch of other goodies) to my P.O. Box a couple of weeks ago. Since receiving it I've worn it every day, minus the days I give my face a break from makeup. It's one of those shadows that makes you excited to do your makeup in the morning and, if you ask me, that's what makes a product worth purchasing. 
So thank you, once again, Karen for sending this gorgeous shadow my way! I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking for a color that often gets overlooked in terms of eyeshadows/rarely gets included in palettes (as far as I know). Can't imagine anyone would hate this one!!

Have you tried the L'Oréal Infallible Eye Shadow "Liquid Diamond"?
Are you as in love with it as I am? 
What's your current go-to eyeshadow?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I love these! The bronze taupe one is the perfect color to accentuate and compliment my green eyes! I really need to purchase more. Thanks for the blog, I enjoyed it.

  2. I have several of these and I really love them :)
    I need to see if I can find this one though cause it looks so darn pretty :)
    You have such a lovely blog sweetie :)

  3. Ok I'm just going to try and ignore the fact that I already own two kinda sorta lavender shades as that one is so very pretty! Agh!

  4. gurrllll your skin looks amazing. I just recently went on an Infallible eyeshadow sprreeeeeee.
    I love them soooo much and I am not an eyeshadow person at all.

  5. You have gorgeous eyes, and LOVE your blog, it's fun and crazy creative, I love it! I will happily follow and look forward to reading more!

    Cheers, Lian

  6. This one looks really great on you, especially with that lippy and the classic black liner. I have a silver color tattoo but it's really bright tin-man silver and it makes my skin look sooo sallow, so I have to apply the tiniest bit. maybe i should give this one a go instead.


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