Tuesday, July 22, 2014

M.A.C. "See Sheer": Swatches + Review!

This post has been a long time comingconsidering I hauled this lipstick months agoand the main reason I've been putting it off is because this is one of those products where I feel words (especially the ones that come fumbling from my gob) will never do it justice. However, I think I've been able to come to a fairly accurate description in the past couple of months for this beautiful little lipstick. And by description I mean comparison. Analogy? Though I suppose it's all one in the same, especially if you own and appreciate the beaut I'm about to compare it to.

"See Sheer" is to summer as "Plumful" is to fall.
Boooooooooooom (that's the sound of your mind being blown).

If you don't own "Plumful" and can't comprehend the overwhelming need my above statement should have instilled in your makeup loving soul, then don't fret. I've got you covered hereand herehere toothere was also this timeand that timethis time toooh yeah and also right here. Seriously, I talk about "Plumful" a lot but not without good reason; it really is a beauty and I can't imagine not having it in my lipstick collection. See what it does to me? Once "Plumful" is on my mind I just can't shut up about it.

Well I'm happy to say that there's a new lipstick in town (read: in my purse) and she goes by the name of "See Sheer". True to all of the M.A.C. Lustre finish lipsticks I've tried, "See Sheer" is lusciously smooth, provides a more-than-sheer-but-less-than-opaque wash of color, and lasts a pretty solid four hours on me. I honestly can't find fault in Lustres from M.A.C. and it's the reason I keep going back for more colors. If I could own them I all I sure as heck would but, hey, that would be a bit excessive (and wonderful, and delightful, and euphoric, and…).

Semi-spoiler alert to anyone with even the slightest deductive abilities as well as watches my YouTube videos and realizes it's almost the end of July: I've been wearing this a stupid amount this past month and can't really see myself abstaining from doing so anytime soon. "See Sheer" is that perfect mix of pink and orange, not at all fussy in terms of look or wear, and a fun pop of color on the lips during these super sweaty summer months (you can see the steam on my glasses in the photo above from my cheeks touching the glass #howembarrassing). I imagine this lipstick would look gorgeous on such a large range of people and I really can't sing its praises enough.
"See Sheer" is, as I said before, the summer to "Plumful"'s fall; the warm to its cool; the love to my life (okay, I think I've gone a little too far there but I think you get my point).

Have you tried M.A.C.'s "See Sheer"?
Love it as much as I do?
What has been your go-to lipstick this summer?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. That color is CRAZY pretty on you! *swoooon*!

  2. "See sheer is to summer as plumful is to fall. Boooooom". I seriously laughed so hard i nearly wet myself when i read this! This is poetry girl! I could so see you doing the slam dunk hand movement when you say "boooooooom!!"
    Once again, thank you for enabling me to add to my already growing Mac (& lipstick in general) collection. I'm going to have to make a special outing to get it and maybe another colour for spring and winter! Another great review Cassie.
    You also look amazing in your photo. Even with glasses fog. ;-)

    1. Hehe maybe one day I'll try out reading my "poetry" at those little cafes where they snap and whatnot ;) And whoop whoop, girrrrrl you know I'm always here to enable you… ESPECIALLY with MAC lipsticks. Gawd, I wish I owned more than I do but I know I have too many lipsticks as it is =__=; Thanks to you all around, as per usual Reyna; you're an absolute doll <3

  3. Looks amazing! you've convinced me to buy it now :) your teeth are super white too, im so jealous! you look gorgeous xx

    Thrive on Novelty

    1. I hope you love it as much as I do if you end up getting it Louise!! And shucks, thank you so much you're far too kind ^__^ <3

  4. Such a pretty colour! It looks amazing on you ;)

  5. This is such a gorgeous shade! Just added to my list of things to buy ;)
    xprincessjas | ♥

    1. So glad you've added this to your to-buy list; it's a good one for sure ;)

  6. Loving the look of this one! Why isn't it on my wish list already? You had me convinced at "see sheer is to summer as plumful is to fall" :D It looks great on you! xx


    1. Hehe I figured that would convince at least a few of you fellow lipstick lovers out there!! And thank you so much ^__^

  7. It looks absolutely stunning on you, Cassie! *must resist urge to buy* Although, MAC does indeed do something amazing to their lustre finishes! They're my favorite!

    Jess | The Mod Mermaid

    1. Aw thank you Jess!!!!!! And I know, some things are so hard to resist and basically all of MAC's lipsticks fall under that category for me ;__;

  8. I've tried plumful on before and it just doesn't look as good on me as it does on you :( I'll probably try it out again in the fall. This see sheer kind of reminds me of a Dior lipstick (Cruise) I've been wearing non-stop this week. It looks sooooo good on you!
    Today's Beauty Obsession

    1. Oh no Meghan, I'm sorry Plumful doesn't wow you as much as it does me D: But hopefully if you try it on again this fall, like you said, you'll like it a bit better! Either way I'm glad you have something similar to See Sheer that you're currently loving… and from Dior? Oooooooo girl you know I'm jealous haha.

  9. umm, THAT'S GORGEOUS???!!!??! Holy smokes! Now I'm ashamed that I don't own see sheer or plumful!


  10. It's absolutely gorgeous on you! Reminds me a bit of a darker Revlon Lip Butter in Juicy Papaya. I absolutely love Lustre finish MAC lippies too :)

    1. Thanks so much!! And I agree, it's definitely a sister color to Juicy Papaya (which I'm sure we all remember how much I freaking love that lippie) :)


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