Monday, July 21, 2014

Revlon ColorStay Moisture Stain: First Impression + Review!

Just in case you missed it, I uploaded a new video over on my YouTube channel on a lip product I haven't heard much on in the beauty community! Hopefully it's helpful and OH YEAH I USED MY NEW CAMERA TO FILM IT. Hrrrrrnggggg all of the feels. Truly. The quality is spectacular and I am so beyond touched/grateful that you all helped me get it 

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I enjoy these review videos a lot; it's like watching a visual diary of your day (sorry if that makes me sound like a stalker, lol. DW I live in Australia so you're safe :P). Also, you own every CD I have, apparently. Every time you put a CD into your stereo I'm like "Hey, it's that one!"
    As far as *relevant* comments go, I was actually looking forward to us getting those here, but I guess I won't hold my breath if they're underwhelming, so thanks for that :) The price would be horrifically jacked up anyway so good to know I won't be wasting my dosh.

    1. Haha no way, doesn't make you sound stalker-ish at all!! I think we all like to have a little nosey in people's day to day lives :3 YAY for CD twinsssssss you clearly have very good taste in music lol. Anyways I'm so happy the review was both enjoyable and helpful for you Crystal! Especially for a lovely Aussie like yourself; I feel SO bad about how jacked up cosmetic prices are over there for you all :(

  2. This product was on my to buy list, but I think I will pass. At the end of your day, the product reminded me of cartoon lips that someone had forgotten to fill in. Pass on the formaldehyde lip product which brings back images of biology class and dissection of a fetal pig. TMI...

    1. Haha seriously though Kate, it looked pretty darn awful at the end of the day!! Not to mention piggie memories… so awful… :(


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