Thursday, August 28, 2014

NOTD: Garden Party

***Just putting it out there: the nail stickers were sent to me for review under the condition of a 100% honest review from me. I'm not receiving any money to write this post and, as always, would never lie to you all. None of the links below are affiliate links; I'll never exploit you like that! :)

When the Born Pretty Store contacted me to review more of their nail products (I wrote about a few different sets of their water decals here and here) I decided I would try something a little wacky; something a little out of my comfort zone; something…realistic-bunnies-that-glow-in-the-dark. 
Yup, that's right: I picked out this set of nail stickers with huge bunny faces on them that also happen to have the ability to make their presence known in the night while they watch you sleep

Not going to lie, some of these bunnies scare meparticularly the white ones with red eyes. The day those end up on my nails may be the day all hell freezes over but hey, to each their own. Personally I think the black and white bunnies are quite dapper (especially the pair with bow ties) and were quite charming on the nails, especially with the addition of pastel garden-esque colors and glitter surrounding them. Because floral and glitter make everything less scary, amiright? I'd like to think so anyways.

Considering these are the first nail stickers I've ever used, I was really pleased with how easy they were to apply. The material was fairly plush and almost gel like in texture so they easily bent around the curvature of my nails. I had to trim the stickers to fit my cuticles before applying them (I feel like that's pretty standard though, right?) but other than that you just slap them on over a base coat, file away the excess from the tips of the nails, and then apply a top coat. 
For the sake of review (scientific-knowledge-reasons) I decided to not put a top coat over one of the stickers to see how it lasted on its own. To my surprise it actually lasted just as long (I removed the manicure after 5 days purely because I wanted a change, not because of major chips or wear) as the bunnies who received a healthy dose of Seche Vite! So really you can't do wrong with these, I just personally prefer the extra shiny look of my top coat.

You can see that the print of these nail stickers is a bit 'fuzzier' than it appears on the site, but honestly it didn't really make much of a difference to me. The bunnies are clearly recognizable and there's no question that I've got critters on my nails. At first I had no idea how I was going to make huge realistic bunny faces work on my nails but, with the addition of some floral rhinestones (I got the wheel off of ebay ages ago for about a dollar) and the quirky combo of Revlon's "Whimsical" over "Jaded", I think this manicure ended up being super cute. A little out there, yes, but fantastical all the same.
As always, if you're interested in trying out some things from the Born Pretty Store (their selection of nail products really is top-notch if you're into cute decals and the like) then please feel free to use the discount code RIFW10 when you checkout to get 10% off! I love saving you lovely people some money where I can.

Have you tried nail stickers before?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What's the weirdest thing you've ever put on your nails?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Hi, I just found your site... what a great find. I love this nail design.
    Looking forward to seeing your future posts.
    Kind regards
    Aimee :)

    1. Aw thank you so much Aimee, so sweet of you to leave me this message!! I'm so glad you found my blog and are enjoying it ^__^

  2. How creative of you....rabbits on nails! I would have never thought of that and it is so white rabbit and Alice in Wonderland!

    1. Haha yes Kate that's a perfect thing to compare it to!! :D

  3. Hi:) I just saw your youtube video. You remind me to Charlize Theron(sorry for my english). If you colour your hair to blondie, you will look like she.

    1. Aw wow thank you!!! And no need to apologize, I understand you just fine ^__^

  4. I really like this design on your nails, too bad i do not have the patience to do artsy nails

    1. Thank you Maritza!! And yeah it does take patience that's for sure haha XD

  5. I am very sad... I bought these because RABBITS (I actually have a Dutch rabbit), but they didn't work. Apparently there are two layers, and the sticky layer actually peeled right off of the layer that has the design printed on them. :( I am so disappoint. Hopefully the water decals work better.

    I also had a fail before with Avon nail wraps, but that's because I also can't get things like this to go on without wrinkling.

    1. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear you had that experience with these nail stickers!! :( I wonder if maybe you get a defective sheet or something… who knows. Either way I definitely think that the water decals work better/are easier to apply so maybe check those out/give them a try <3


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