Thursday, August 28, 2014

YouTube Video Dump: tarte, Too Faced, Empties, & College Advice!

Yikes, it's been awhile since I updated my blog about new videos huh? I just feel like I've been pumping them out so frequently lately and, considering it's been the wrap-up of my summer school session, I was just happy they were uploaded to YouTube much less my blog! Regardless, if you're interested and haven't been watching my YouTube channel lately, feel free to catch up with any (or all! Heck, I'd be flattered) of the four videos linked above.

I hope you're all well! :)

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Yayyyy for new videos!!! Which Sephora lip cream did you pick up? I have one in Endless Purple and I love it!

    1. Yayyyy glad they could make you happy!! And that's the one that I picked up; it really is gorgeous :D

  2. Love the video dump! I recently got the Too Faced Melted Candy lipstick and loooovvveee it. From what I've seen/read it seems these lipsticks tend to be hit and miss, from shade to shade and person to person. I bet some of the brighter shades would look great on you.

    1. Whoo hoo glad you enjoyed the video pile Meghan!! And yes that really does seem to be the consensus on the melted lipsticks; thanks for letting me know you enjoy the darker shades as well :D


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