Sunday, August 24, 2014

NOTD: Hard Candy "sweet tooth"

Oh-ho~ what a surprise (no it's not)… another sprinkle nail polish post!

Honestly though I just can't help myself; if you've followed my blog even the littlest bit before my semi-hiatus this summer then you'd know I'm an avid nail polish fan (hoarder). Then add into the mix that the last couple of months have been horrendous for me because of summer school and you have my current obsession with sparkle packed nail polishes. Because what better way is there to improve your mood other than a bit of jazz on your nails? In my world, the answer is simple: nothing.

I was oh-so sweetly (see what I did there?) sent this nail polish by my lovely nail blogger friend Stephanie over at Short 'n Chic a long while back and, truth be told, this polish was probably the highlight of the care package. The sprinkle polishes that Hard Candy came out with (how long has it been now? My mind is saying "years" while my intuition is screaming otherwise) were something I wanted to get my handsand nailson so so badly but couldn't bring myself to go to a Walmart to get.  For whatever reason I never seem to live very close to a Walmart location (it's the only place Hard Candy cosmetics are sold, for those of you who didn't know), Target or Walgreens was always closer, and I just plain old don't like Walmart haha. Thankfully though, Stephanie fulfilled my nail-polish-needy soul and shipped the color I had been lusting over… chocolate covered bliss doesn't quite cover how freaking delighted I was to unwrap this polish from its bubble wrap and slap it on my nails. 

The formula was ever-so-slightly gloopy but, truth be told, I was so happy to use "sweet tooth" that it didn't bother me. It's kind of expected (at least to anyone who knows nail polish) for polishes packed with glitter to be on the thicker side though so it really was no big deal. The sprinkles laid flat on the nail and, since the polish was so saturated with the stuff, there was no need to 'go fishing' in the bottle like you have to with a lot of glitter nail polishes (this particular polish comes to mind). As you can see in the photos above, "sweet tooth" is full of blue, pink, and white sparkles all suspended in a milky, semi-sheer periwinkle base. The combination of colors and finish make this polish super whimsical and playful; basically it's right up my alley.
Thank you so much (times a billion) Stephanie for sending this polish (and the other goodies) my way… truly, I'm still overwhelmed with the kindness packed into that box. Working my way through the polishes has been so fun and I've found many gems through your hand-me-downs; Hard Candy's "sweet tooth" is definitely one of them!

Have you tried out the sprinkle polishes from Hard Candy?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
Do you make special trips to Walmart for the Hard Candy section (am I the only one too lazy to do so?)?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I don't think I've used very many glitter polishes that haven't been a bit gloopy, but they're definitely worth it for how pretty they are! I love this colour combination.

    Catherine, xo // Lady Liquor

    1. Yup it really does just seem to be the formula that it needs to be. But, like you said, oh well!! It's totally worth it; glad you like the look of this one Catherine :)

  2. I think we are nail polish soul mates. Love this!

    xo Brianna | Glazed Over

  3. This is too funny, I was at Walmart today looking over the HC np's and while none came home w/ me I was looking at an emerald/teal-ish & gold glitter (very Egyptian revival) and another I just can't recall, I think due to the fact I was into the green/gold. I didn't go for it solely bc I have to untried HC's from almost a yr ago (so baaad, I know.) Nice swatches, I wonder how this would look over SC Cinderella...?

    1. Haha I know how that goes… I definitely have some blushes and whatnot that have been sitting around for about a year now and never been touched ;__; US MAKEUP HOARDERS HAVE PROBLEMS. Anyways I'm glad to hear you like HC nail polishes and saw some beauties at the store (as well as for showing some restraint; props to you lol!). This would probably look great of Cinderella, I'll have to give it a try :D

  4. That was really nice of Stephanie to send you this ... it's gorgeous! Definitely a glitter that's right up my alley, I'm such a sucker for more milky, pastel kind of shades and the smaller multicoloured glitter pieces make it that much more delicate, feminine and whimsical :)

    1. I knew you'd like this one!! And yes it really was so sweet of her to send it to me… I love it!! <3 I really wish there were more polishes like this out on the market :)

  5. Do NOT go look at Pretty Serious Nail Polishes (an Aussie indie that has shippers right here so we can actually buy them), if you have a glitter obsession.

    1. haha you rock!

      I think I may get me some.

  6. Thank you for posting this polish. I never knew about this line because like you, I do not care for Walmart. I love you, and I hate you because now I'm going to have to go get this polish which is awesome, but I have to go to Walmart, which is no bueno. haha

    1. Oh yay I'm glad to have shown you this polish if you haven't seen it before!! Maybe see if you can find it on amazon or ebay if you want to avoid walmart…? ;)

  7. You really do make the best reviews Cassie! Your posts are so fun to read.

    1. Aw Kathy!! You're so sweet, thank you… happy to hear you enjoy reading through my rambles <3

  8. ok gorgeous easy to do all in one, must get one


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