Tuesday, August 19, 2014

NOTD: Forever21 "Pink Cupcake"


Oh boy… that's probably not a very promising way to start out this post but it just felt right. And sometimes when something feels so undeniably good you just kind of have to go with it and hope for the best, amiright? For now I'm going to go with yusssss because yesterday marked my last day of summer school and I can't even begin to describe how freaking fantastic that feels. I can take a nap guilt free! I can read a book for pleasure! I can shower!!! Well, okay, that last one is something I should have been doing more frequently anyways but unfortunately for me (and I suppose others) bathing is pretty low on the priority ladder when stacks of papers need to be read/written and dry shampoo exists.

Anyways. Let's talk nail polish, shall we?

I've said it before (beforebefore… is there an echo in here?)and I'll say it again: I love Forever21 nail polishes, especially their milky glitter creations. They're creamy, easy to work with, don't crack/are extremely chip-resistant, and are stupid cheap ta'boot. I'm always scouring their website to see if they've added any new confetti-esque polishes and have a hard time resisting placing an order for some new clothes just so I can add the polishes to my cart as well (don't worry mom, I've been a good girl and not placed an order since January). 
The one 'complaint' I have about Forever21's nail polishes is that the name on the website never matches what they put on the bottle; online it's called "Pink Cupcake" (it's still available on their site [don't worry, that's not an affiliate link of any kind] if you want to nab it for yourself!) yet the label on the bottle is just "PINK/RED/SILVER". Kind of strange, don't you think? Regardless, I suppose I'm just happy that the one 'downside' of these polishes is something silly like name inconsistencies rather than anything problematic with the formula.

This particular set of photos was from July (you can see me wearing the polish in this video) but I remember loving having "Pink Cupcake" on my nails. It's just quirky enough without being too in-yo-FACE and, like I said above, I just like these polishes from Forever21. Not to mention I think it's fun having something reminiscent of cupcake sprinkles on my nails… I am a foodie at heart (and stomach) after all. 

Have you tried any nail polishes from Forever21?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What's your favorite milky glitter polish?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Ummm... this is uber impressive! I didn't much like their old nail polishes, but they look completely different now which basically makes me want to run out to the mall and buy a whole bunch. Love it!

    xo Brianna | Glazed Over

    1. Oh yay glad to hear I may have converted you back to trying out F21 nail polishes again :D I hope you love them this time around if you pick any up for yourself <3

  2. I love these! My favorite is the mint blue one with purple and pink hex glitter. The formula is fantastic on these, considering they are dirt cheap! The pink one looks great on you. :)


    1. Yay I'm so glad to hear you love these polishes as well!! :D And thank you, happy you like this color on me <3

  3. You're baaaaaack! YAY! good to see you! Congrats on being done for the summer, I'm super jealous (I have two more weeks of research...then it starts all over again!) I've never tried these polishes, but I will have to now...I love glitters! It's good that they're so cheap too

    1. Yayyyyyy thank you for being happy to see me back, I was scared no one would remember me here on blogger ;__; Also sorry to hear that it sounds like you're stuck in the same endless cycle of schoolwork right now… ughhhhh I can't wait until I graduate next year haha. Glad to turn you on to some new nail polishes as well, they really are great!! <3

  4. F21 used to have a line of scented nail polishes and they were amazing! I nabbed one and haven't seen them ever since. Although I know Revlon has a version, F21 is so cheap and the formula was spot on. I may have to stop in to see if I can find this color- I love it!

    1. I do remember the scented polishes they made but I never tried them out!! Sorry to hear you can't find them anymore since you loved them so much D: Happy to turn you on to this color though; I hope you find it because it really is a fun one!! <3

  5. What topcoat did you use with this?? it's sooo shiny and glass-like...very nice! I know that must be the topcat as sprinkle np's don't shine on their own.

    1. Ah yes, I used two coats of the lovely Seche Vite… the second layer really gives it that plush glass look/feel :D

  6. So I am slightly obsessed with this polish! It reminds me of the original 1980s amazing My Little Ponies, aka the perfect toy of my childhood. And because of that there is a very good choice i'm going to be going into a Forver 21 for the first time in my whole life just to find this polish! WOOP! Looove it!

    1. Haha well I'm so glad to have shown you this nail polish then… anything for a healthy dose of nostalgia!!! :D Hopefully you can find this polish in store and maybe you'll find some cute clothes too ;)


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