Monday, August 11, 2014

YouTube Made Me Buy It!: SEPHORA Cream Lip Stain

Nothing special or new here folks… just another drop in on the ol' blog to update you on my YouTube channel; so sorry for running such a failure of a blog as of late. I promise that once summer school is over I'll pump out at least a few product reviews on here before the school year starts up again (my two weeks of summer vacation will be glorious once they finally arrive)!! Until then, if you haven't seen it yet and are interested, I've got my newest YouTube video linked above so feel free to watch and see how the SEPHORA COLLECTION Cream Lip Stain performs! As always, I hope you're all well~

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Hi Cassie! I hadn't actually heard of this Sephora lip cream until now but I'm so glad I've seen this video. It looks amazing! Annoyingly, you have to spend £75 before Sephora ships to the Uk (but that's also a great excuse to shop, now I just have to save my pennies). I really like this colour on you. Reminds me of old Hollywood glamour :D X

    1. It seriously is amazing Narzra!! And oh my gosh that's terrible I wasn't aware of that :( I guess you'll just have to save up your money and then place a super special order and get lots of nice goodies!! <3 <3 <3

  2. Yooou made me buy it!! haha but it's great, so thank you :D.
    I got two and I hope they come up with more shades, there seemed to be a huge jump from a pink to darker colors, which are great but some nudes would be nice.
    Lot's of love Cassie (:

    1. Well yayyyy I'm so happy to hear that I inspired a good purchase ;D And I agree, i think they should step up their shade selection… I was pretty disappointed when I looked at what they had available in the Sephora nearest me :( Regardless I'm so glad you're enjoying the colors you picked up!! Mwah <3


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