Wednesday, August 6, 2014

YouTube Made Me Buy It!: NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer

Ughhhhh you guys I'm SO sorry my blog has been all sorts of… blah (to put it kindly) as of late; with summer classes finally winding down though I'm hoping that in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to pump out some 'real' content to make up for my semi-absence. Until then I hope you can still enjoy the stuff I'm putting up on my YouTube channel! As of a couple (few?) days ago I posted a video on the infamous NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer so, if you haven't seen it and are interested in seeing my first impression, feel free to head on over and have a watch. 
I hope you're all doing well and not melting too much in the sweltering summer heat~

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Hey Cassie! That Nars concealer looked like it held up really well, especially on your cheeks (and crusty spot :P) I kid. Have you tried the Hardy Candy Glamoflauge Concealer? I heard it's heavy duty. I have a completely unrelated question, I've been looking at the Shameless Revlon Matte Balm, and how do you think it wears? Does it fade well, or feather? Let me know, if you want to! <3

    1. Hahaha I was about to be like "… are you serious?" XD But yes I agree this concealer does work very well on my cheeks/dark spots! I've also heard about that glamoflauge concealer and have wanted to try it out for ages!! Sadly I haven't gotten it yet to test out :( And with Shameless I find that it wears extremely well; doesn't feather, hydrates, etc. Definitely isn't graceful in terms of how it wears through eating but that's kind of to be expected with a super purple lipstick lol XD

    2. Hahaha, yeah, but what lipstick actually lasts? I bought it, and I LOVE it!! Thanks for the help!

    3. YAY so glad you're enjoying it Jackie!!

  2. Thanks for your review. $29 is a lot for a concealer but I'm still tempted :) I don't own any Nars products so I really want to try their lip glosses first. Have you tried any? X

    1. I don't blame you Narzra, obviously I was tempted regardless of the price tag as well hahha XD And no, I haven't tried any of the NARS lip glosses sorry to say! I'd love to someday though :)


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