Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9/25-26 OOTD: Oh yeah, this post is a two-fer!!

Because EVERYONE loves two-fers, am I right??
Well I sure hope so because that's exactly what you're getting out of me today :) Take the jump below if you want to see outfit details and read a bit of rambling on my part!

Lips - stila lip glaze "vanilla" (swatched and reviewed with another here) + Wet'nWild "Bare It All"
Loud Patterned Sweater Shirt - Goodwill
Panda Coin Necklace - Gift (souvenir of Mom's from China made into a necklace)
Pink Tear Drop Necklace - Forever21 + D.I.Y.
EXTRA Mini Mini Skirt - Forever21
Knee Highs - Target
Black Woven Toed Loafer Flats - Urban Outfitters

So Tuesday the 25th was fairly normal; stressful, but normal. Living in Boston is NOT cheap!! Either way it was still a good day regardless of money troubles, delays on the subway making me late to class, and seeing someone being escorted by a police woman from the subway station... in handcuffs. 

The two undercover cop ladies that had alerted the officer of this man (I have no idea what he did) had recovered a bunch of books from him in a foreign language and were extremely concerned with getting him to tell them what they said but he kept refusing. Oh, and there was also a clear plastic tub that they had taken from him with what looked like a bunch of electrical wires so it seems to me like there was an attempted hijacking of the train or else a bomb attempt.
No big deal oh my gawd I'm freaking out and never want to ride the stinky subway again.

Flower Ring, Infinity Loop/Knot Ring, Engraved Black Stone Ring - Gifts
Tobacco and Silver Detail Belt - Goodwill 

Engraved Feather Earring - Gift (I used to have two, but lost one)
Lips - Revlon Lip Butter "Berrie Smoothie" (swatched and reviewed with others here!)

V-Neck B&W Sweater - Goodwill
Polkadot Skirt - Goodwill
Leather Loafers - Goodwill

I had an interview for a job (temporary for the holidays, but who cares!??! A job's a job at this point) today, so keep your fingers crossed for me that it went well!! It was probably one of the shortest interviews ever (five minutes? MAYBE ten?) so I don't know if I should be happy about that or not... either it was clear to them that I got the job and essentially booked me on the spot for one of the openings or else they crossed me off the list right away and didn't want to waste any more time. 
Guess I'll figure out soon enough!

How's everyone's week going so far? It's halfway over, whoo-hoo!!
Is anyone else on the hunt for a job right now?
How do you feel about interviews? I always try and be myself but usually end up regretting something I said or will come up with a better answer to a question once it's done :/

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Hey girl! Omg I used to take bus when I was on college in San Diego and it was definitely crazy sometimes so I can only imagine the Boston subway! By the way, love that patterned Goodwill sweater, the best finds are always thrifted bc they're so unique! And I had Revlon berry smoothie but it doesn't look half as good on me as it does on you!

  2. nice jewerly my dear <3

    Nice blog by the way!
    Following you now, hope you follow me too now!

    Enter my blog giveaway and win a cardigan from

  3. Great photos, you look so cute! <3

  4. Lucy: I really can only imagine that the busses/subways in ANY major city are crazy haha! Especially since I commute with the 9-5ers so it's nuts!! Lots of nice looking men in business suits though hehe ;) And thank you so much although I'm sad to hear you didn't get along with Berrie Smoothie! :( It's honestly my favorite lip butter that I have (slash lip product in general!).

    Jerome: Thank you SO much, especially for being my first male follower haha :) Glad to have you here and I followed your blog right away... you kill it in every single one of your outfits!! I love seeing guys with great style :)

    Mafalda: Aw, thank you dear!! You're gorgeous as well :D

  5. You are stunning! Very nice looks :)x

  6. Hey,

    I love the second outfit, do you have a link to the website you got them from (sorry If I have missed it my bad)!!

    I am looking for part time jobs at the moment and am applying to loads whilst I get my vintage shop going, its a bit daunting but I just have no idea what I want to do, it needs to be something that works around what I am trying to do with the shop hours wise I mean. :)

    Lauren x

  7. Marta: Wow, thank you so much! What a sweet comment :)

    Lauren: Thank you, I'm glad you like it!! And I did have it listed in the post, but sorry to say the whole second outfit was either gifts (the jewelry) from family or else thrifted from Goodwill so they aren't pieces you could buy unless you were able to thrift the identical pieces :( You can always use it as inspiration for things to find in retail stores though if you want to have something similar; I really am flattered :)

  8. Cool, ah very thrifty, well done though! Very much inspired will be on the look out, love the skirt a lot and there are some similar pieces out there at the moment xx

  9. Rosalinda: Thank you dear!! I'm always a little surprised at how much people love my glasses (since when I got them I thought they would be something either people loved or hated... but I expected much more of the latter) but it makes me happy that they are well received *^__^*

    Lauren: Haha thank you!! I take pride in outfits that are fully thrifted since it does take some effort but I just love digging through thrift stores so much that it never feels like work!! You should give it a try sometime :) And if I'm remembering right, the skirt is by Anne Taylor and the sweater is by White Stag (a Walmart brand)!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!