Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lancome Hypnose Star: Swatches + Review!!

This post may not be long in length but don't be alarmed!! There is no correlation between blog post length and this mascara's performance; it really goes the distance (and I stand by that pun, in case you were wondering #ITWASGOOD).

I got this little sample from Sephora a few months back and finally remembered to try it out after my current Revlon Fabulash mascara accidentally fell into the garbage can... oh what would you know, you weren't there!!

Anyways, I got around to trying this mascara out this week and I have some mixed feelings.

Let's go with the bad first, shall we?
1.) I can't figure out the wand of this mascara for the life of me. I get it to work just fine but how the heck are you supposed to use a flat triangle to get up into your lashes??? I say we should keep the flat triangles to pizza and leave mascara wands round (but hey, what do I know).
2.) Clumps are a reality of this mascara, though, if you're willing to work with it, they can be sorted out.
3.) This mascara smells like lilacs. And no, not like the nice wafting scent that fills your nostrils when walking by a lilac bush. It's more like if Satan were growing a lilac field in hell and he's using you as the scarecrow hung on his trident left to forever breathe in the rotting lilac fumes.

Enough negativity, onto the positive:


Lancome's Hypnose Star mascara makes me feel like I'm wearing falsies without actually having to do so. You KNOW a mascara is fantastic when you feel inappropriate walking out of the house with two coats of this on (scandal!!).

I'm so happy to have been able to try out this mascara (I've never used a high end mascara before this!) and definitely am happy with the results. Sadly though I just can't justify ever purchasing the full-size when there are great drugstore alternatives on the market (see herehere, or here). 
If I'm about to fork over $28 for a product there had better be no downsides (and maybe some cat stickers thrown in) but this has at least three too many (and no delightful stickers to be found).

Have you tried Lancome's Hypnose Star mascara?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your favorite mascara (high-end or drugstore)?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. i love it!! i have it at he moment :)) love your blog and your cat is so cute babe :)

  2. I used that one for a while but like you, I can never bring myself to re-purchase expensive products especially if they don't wow me- there's so many other products to try! Your lashes look amazing in the two coat pic though :) ps, cute blog header! your cat is tooooo fluffy!

    The January Girl ♥

    1. Thanks so much and I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who thinks it's extravagant (and needless) to buy a high-end mascara!! To each their own though, really :)

  3. Wow. Great pictures, and a great mascara!

  4. looks great! I'm not a mascara user in general, but lately I've been liking they're real :)

    Steph :)

    1. I have heard woooooonderful things about that mascara!! Someday I hope to be able to try it out :)

  5. This mascara looks amazing on you! Although the wand looks weird to me too.

    1. Thank you so much!! But yeah the wand really is a mystery haha

  6. Stunning, your eyes are so pretty :) x


  7. I used to be a mascara snob. I loved Lancome Definicils, but on a poor moment bought some drug store brand and found out that my snobbery was only making me poor. If I had all the money in the world, then maybe I would go back, but since I don't, I will stick to drug store brands.

    I also tried Dior mascara, that stuff was from HELL for me. It burned so bad. Returned it and bought Nars Orgasam blush, much more fulfilling.

    1. Haha we all have our poor moments... thankfully it sounds like it worked out for you (and me)!! Oof sounds like you must have had some sort of an allergic reaction to the Dior mascara? Doesn't sound pleasant AT ALL so I'm glad you treated yourself to some NARS after that experience haha ;)

  8. Oooh, your eyelashes look fantastical! I would love to try that mascara if it would make my eyelashes look as awesome as yours!

    1. Haha thank you!! Definitely give it a shot if you're interested and willing to make an investment (though really I think you can find mascaras that are just as good at the drugstore!!)! :)

  9. You have such pretty eyes! And this mascara looks awesome on you :)


  10. I'm always on the hunt for a good mascara so this review was so helpful. Gonna go look for that next time I go makeup shopping!

    enter my giftcard giveaway!

    1. Oh good I'm so glad this was helpful!! I hope you like the mascara if you end up purchasing it :)

  11. adore this. love your header too, so genius! x

    1. Haha thanks so much!! My cat is quite the character ;)

  12. Awesome! I have to try this once I finish my current mascaras, I've tried a couple and I've stuck with Almay Get up and Grow, I haven't noticed my lashes growing but it's the only mascara that won't make my straight lashes droopy. I loved waterproof but because they are so hard to take off I switched. Thanks for the review!

    1. Oh yay I'm glad this was helpful, you're so welcome!! And yeah I've heard that the mascaras that claim to grow your lashes don't actually really work when it comes to that which is a shame :/

  13. This is a gorgeous mascara! Great pictures to
    .Georgina Clare.

  14. That mascara looks absolutely amazing with your eyes. I have yet to venture into higher end mascaras myself. Thank you for such a simple yet insightful review.

    1. Oh wow, thank YOU for such a lovely comment!! I'm glad this was a helpful review for you; I myself don't venture into high-end mascaras so I thought this might be helpful for others like you to see/read :) It was nice but I think I'm going to stick with drug store!

  15. Lancome Mascaras are the best! your lashes look amazinggg


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