Tuesday, July 8, 2014

tarte Amazonian clay 12-hour blush "adored": Swatches + Review!

I feel a bit guilty doing a post about this particular blush because, like I said when I hauled it, it's been discontinued… at least from the Sephora website. Not sure why they booted "adored" out of their tarte collection but I suppose I'm not complaining because it meant I could nab this for cheap ($14)!
Honestly, to say I "flipped my sh*t" when I saw the chunky round packaging in the Sephora sale section is to simultaneously undermine and underestimate the power of my makeup feelingsespecially when I've gushed my feelz about tarte's Amazonian clay blushes plenty of times in the past (hereand here, here tooplease don't forget about here). I didn't care in the slightest what shade it was, I knew I was going to make it mine

Thankfully (for me and my wallet) "adored" turned out to be beautiful in every way a giddy girl's heart desires: super pink, super glittery, and super cheap compared to what these blushes usually go for ($26). It's your typical cool-toned/blue-based pink but the intense amount of sparkle packed in allows "adored" to stand out from the hundreds of other blushes on the market. Believe it or not, the glitter in "adored" is even more prevalent than NARS' "Super Orgasm" (which is pretty notorious in the beauty community to be the blush to get if you love glitter).

"adored" is just as pigmented as all of the other Amazonian clay blushes tarte creates so you can either pack it on the cheeks or sheer out the color to a light wash. I personally opt for the latter option but hey, whatever floats your boat and makes you happy! And, since the glitter isn't just an overspray (one of my biggest pet peeves with makeup products; why trick people into thinking they're getting pounds of glitter when they're only getting an ounce?), it means you're going to get a healthy dose regardless of how much or how little you tap your brush in the compact. 

As much as I love sparkle, I am so happy that the glitter in "adored" is subtle. From far away you can't see it at all, feigning the look of youthful glowing skin. Up close though it's clear that you've got a little fairy dust on your cheeks but it's charming rather than garish. Love! Or should I say: adore? Sorry, I just couldn't help myself on that one (can you blame me?).

Have you tried tarte's "adored"?
You can still get it on tarte's website!!
What's your favorite blush from the Amazonian clay blush line?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I've always heard such good things about these amazonian clay blushes - it looks so natural and effortless too xx


    1. They really are incredible little blushes… I love the ones that I own to death! And thank you, I'm glad you like the look of it on me ^__^

  2. Really good how cheap you got it! I love how glittery it is and the colour really suits you1

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. I agree Alice, it was a STEAL!!! :D And thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!

  3. I LOVE THIS! Why it discontinued?! *struggling meme face* It's so pretty and YAY, for no overspray! Them shets be a bit annoying and for someone who loves glitter I get tricked many a time. Anyway, it looks gorgeous on you and really makes your skin glow! So lucky you nabbed it and for so cheap! :)

    Jess | The Mod Mermaid

    1. Hahah it's only discontinued from Sephora Jess!! tarte still makes this little beaut ;) Glad you understand the frustration that is oversprays and their deception… I've been tricked many a time as well *weep*. But thanks so much, I'm glad you like it on me <3 <3 <3

  4. It looks really sweet. Just the perfect amount of glitter!

    1. Thanks so much Natalie, I'm glad you like it!! <3

  5. Yay for finding bargains! The shade reminds me quite a bit of Dollface, but with glitter. Also NARS Angelika, but probably not as dark. That is to say I definitely have way too many similar colours, but I can understand the appeal of Tarte blushes can be irresistible :)

    1. Hahah I know, the color definitely isn't what makes it special… it's the glitterrrrrrrrr <3

  6. I must be crazy for not owning any Tarte Amazonian Clay Blushes. I'll have to change that.
    Great post. This blush looks great on you and even better you got is on sale!!
    Today's Beauty Obsession

    1. OH MY GOSH MEGHAN you need to fix that IMMEDIATELY. Get yourself at least two of the colors; I promise you won't be disappointed. If I could own all the colors I would!! Anyways, thanks so much ^__^ <3

    2. If you had to recommend only one or two shades which would you suggest??

    3. Blissful is my all-time favorite blush… regardless of brand, so I definitely suggest that one. Also, I don't own it, but I aim to make tipsy mine asap and fall in love with it every time I swatch it at Sephora (which is EVERY time I go into Sephora haha).

  7. Gorgeous on you, but I swear every time I wear glitter it just looks..wrong. People will just come up to me and say ''is that glitter on your face?'' and I'll get all nervous and shit.


    1. Thanks so much Louise!! And hahaha that's so great… and awful… and funny all at the same time XD

  8. Oooo I just purchased this blush in my Tarte haul. I got it for about the same price you did. The blush looks glittery when swatched and looks gorgeous on you!! Now I can't wait to try it out =D

    xoxo http://sweetandsourmakeuphour.blogspot.com

    1. Oh yay so glad to hear you got this blush at a good price as well Jess!! I hope you love it as much as I do :D

  9. The packaging is simple and cute. I have yet to try this blush on.
    ~Pauline @ NYX Philippines


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